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Selectboard Minutes 2006/02/15

Draft:  February 15, 2006
Approved:  February 22, 2006

February 15, 2006

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones and Judy Brotman; Carole Bont, Dina Cutting, Pauline Field, Bill LaBombard...

The Meeting was opened at 8:00 am by acting chairman Dick Jones.

1.      The Selectmen met with Bill LaBombard.  The Selectmen voted to waive the cemetery lot fee for Ed Jenks, based on his service to the Town as road Agent.
2.      The Selectmen discussed the proposal for a new Academy Building parking lot.  The Selectmen unanimously decided to postpone any decision on a new parking lot until such time as there is a consensus among the Academy Building Committee as to the proper configuration of a parking plan.
3.      The Selectmen will not place “on line” voter registration on the warrant for Town Meeting for this year.  A floor amendment may be made by the proponents for discussion at Town Meeting.
4.      The Selectmen discussed the Safety Committee recommendations, and declined to make any recommendations concerning those recommendations.  The Selectmen feel that these proposals should be implemented by the department heads within their budgetary constraints.
5.      The Selectmen approved the manifest.
6.      The Selectmen approved the February 8th minutes as corrected.
7.      The Selectmen approved the intent to cut for David Roby, Map 410/lot 56.
8.      The Selectmen accepted the loan/gift of $3000 from the Lyme Foundation to be expended for architectural services to study the needs/proposals of the Town offices.
9.      The Selectmen voted to approve the proposal for architectural services from Geoffrey Thornton of Thornton & Smith.
10.     The Selectmen voted to make the health care and benefit changes to the Personnel Policy and, based on advice of Town Counsel, approved both the Board of Selectmen as the final grievance committee and as the approving authority for future changes to the Personnel Policy.
11.     The request to use the “art room” of the library for a limited period of time was turned down by the Library trustees, who noted that the art room is utilized as a classroom on a regular basis.  The Town’s use of that room for evening meetings, if available, may continue to be an approved use.

The Board opened the Public Hearing on establishing a Cemetery Special Revenue Fund, overseen by the Treasurer, at 9:00 am.  No public was present for the hearing.  The Board voted 2/0 to recommend approval of the warrant article to establish the fund.

The meeting adjourned at 9:12 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman