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Selectboard Minutes 2006/02/01

Draft:  February 1, 2006
Approved:   February 8, 2006

February 1, 2006

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, and Judy Brotman; Carole Bont, Tony Pippin, Harvey Brotman, Michael Woodard, Don Metz, Tish Smith, Patty Jenks, Vickie Davis.

The Meeting was opened at 8:03 am by acting chairman Dick Jones.

1.      The Town Offices building committee met with the Selectmen to present their findings:

a.      The Committee reported on their meeting with the Lyme Foundation Grants sub-committee to request $3000 to fund a space needs analysis for Town meeting.  The request was characterized as a short-term loan, dependent on whether the funds get approved at Town meeting.  The full Foundation Board will vote on the request next Tuesday.  The Committee will meet with Jeff Thornton on Monday to discuss what would be required to get a proposal ready for Town meeting.  (The Lyme Foundation Grants Committee voted unanimously to recommend the loan to the full board.)
b.      Earl Strout has called the committee to get an update of the committee’s interest in the Green Mountain building – other people are interested in the building, so he is checking to see where the Town is on the purchase of his building.
c.      One of the immediate options was an alternative location for some staff on a short term basis.  Several alternatives have been discussed, including moving the Town Clerk’s office to the highway garage, moving the Bookkeeper and Treasurer to the Simi Building, and the possibility of using the library art gallery for town space for a defined term (say 2 years).
d.      The Selectmen agree that there is a need for new office space.  JLSB supports, DJ concern is one of timing.
e.      The Committee looked at a number of sites and a number of buildings.  We do need to show the Town option - which is why the committee needs funds for the study/presentation.  
f.      A lease/purchase option is legal, subject to the budget process, and could be a solution for this project.
g.      The Selectmen will put the $110,000 on the Town Warrant, citing RSA 41:14, to authorize the Selectmen to acquire or sell land without a Town Meeting (the Selectmen will still need to hold a public hearing and have a recommendation from the Planning Board and/or Conservation Commission).
2.      The Town Staff needs to be patient – we really are trying to make things better.  They need to work with the committee in finding short term and long term solutions.

The Meeting recessed at 8:35 am to be continued at 4:30 pm this afternoon (Wednesday, February 01, 2006).

February 1, 2006

The Board reconvened at 4:30 pm.

3.      The Selectmen signed the letter to Town of Dorchester concerning the possible Green property development.
4.      The Selectmen approved the highway department putting a container of sand near the transfer station for use in the area by attendants and the public.
5.      The Selectmen signed the ‘appoint of officer and oath of office’ form for Don Dwight to be a Planning Board member.
6.      The Selectmen approved the Safety Policy recommended by the Town’s Safety Committee.
7.      The Board discussed the Park & Ride issue.  No final decisions were made.
8.      The minutes of January 25 were approved as submitted.
The meeting adjourned at 5:16 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman