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Selectboard Minutes 2006/01/25
Minutes of 25 January 2006
1.      The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 8:00 AM.  Selectmen Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman and Dick Jones attended the entire meeting, and the following attended parts of the meeting:  Dina Cutting (bookkeeper), Andrea Colgan (Treasurer), Pauline Field (Police Chief), Wally Ragan (emergency management coordinator).
2.      The public and non-public session minutes of January 18th were approved with minor changes.
3.      Andrea and Dina came in to discuss office space.  They had identified several problems with renting additional space in a separate location including: costs, overlapping duties among office staff and computer networking issues which led them to believe that additional modifications to space utilization in the existing Library basement offices was the preferred temporary “solution”.  The Board concurred in their recommendation and asked that they work with all the office staff to further reconfigure the existing office space and identify any equipment purchases that may be necessary to meet the Town’s needs until new offices can be acquired.
4.      The Special Olympics this past weekend at the Dartmouth Skiway were reviewed with Pauline.
5.      The following items were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The “fiberoptic networking consortium” continues its work to bring high-speed internet service to several rural towns.  They are seeking $4,500 as Lyme’s “fair share contribution” to farther their work.  The Board agreed that no funds will be available in the 2006 budget for this request, but agreed to ask their chair to brief the Board on the group’s activities at a future meeting.
b.      A complaint about logging trucks damaging Baker Hill Road during the recent January thaw was discussed.  It was concluded that posting the road was not viable for January thaws and it was more appropriate to send a letter to those conducting logging operations requesting they show good judgment and not operate their heavy trucks over Town Highways during thaws.
c.      Dick moved and Pete seconded a motion to reappoint Ross McIntyre to the ZBA for a three-year term to expire in March 2009.  The motion carried unanimously.
d.      Several letters and reports were assigned to various Board members to draft for review and approval at future meetings.
e.      The Weinsteins “intent to cut” on map 415 lot 2 (Hardscrabble/Trout Pond Lane) was approved.
6.      Wally came in to discuss a possible grant for road repairs.  He was asked to coordinate the request with the Road Agent.
7.      The meeting adjourned at 8:54 AM.
Richard G. Jones
recorder pro tem