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Selectboard Minutes 2006/01/18

Draft:  January 18, 2006
Approved:  January 25, 2006
January 18, 2006

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; Carole Bont, Vickie Davis, Pauline Field, and Fred Stearns.

The Meeting was opened at 8:0 0 AM by Chairman Pete Bleyler.

1.      The minutes of January 11th were approved as corrected.
2.      The non-public session minutes of January 11th were approved.
3.      The January 4, 2006 Public Hearing decision document was approved.
4.      The Selectmen signed the letter to Orford for the Bailey permit.
5.      The Selectmen approved the ambulance service proposed rate increase.
6.      Fred appeared before the Selectmen to discuss a personnel issue.  Pete Bleyler moved that the Board go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II (c) at 8:08am.  Dick Jones seconded the motion.  By unanimous roll call vote the selectmen went into non-public session.
7.      The Selectmen returned to public session at 8:15 am.
8.      The Selectmen voted to grant Russell Stearns his full 40 hour pay while he is out on disability leave, for an initial period of up to 60 days (as long as he is eligible for disability.
9.      The Board consulted Fred about the placement of two town office personnel in the highway garage on a long-term temporary basis.  Fred does not want another town office in the highway office.
10.     The Board appointed JJ Pippin to Independence Day Committee.
11.     The Board reviewed and signed the “2005 Equalization Municipal Assessment Data Sheets Certificate” for the state.
12.     The Board approved the amended Transfer Station Agent job description.
13.     The Board recognized and thanks the Bargain Barn for their donation of $100 for use of transfer station during the summer.  The Transfer Station Committee approves of this donation, and asks the Board to support the Bargain Barn’s continued “tracking” of their use of the Transfer Station again next year.
14.     The Board discussed whether or not we should prepare a warrant article for Lyme-based non-profit organizations exempting them from Transfer Station Fees.  The Board agrees that it prefers to look at each individual request at the time of the event (request should be submitted in writing in advance of the event).
15.     The Board revisited the issue of its approval of Charles Hinsley to remove the old highway garage by March 1st.  The Board reconfirmed their approval of his proposal.
16.     The Board discussed changing the exemption amounts in light of the recent property update.  Carole will check on whether this update qualifies us to propose changes to the exemption amounts, however, at this time the Board voted not to request additional exemption amounts as the Board would rather see a Hardship Abatement granted on a person-to-person basis than a blanket change to the exemptions.
17.     The Town office situation was updated by Pete and Carole.  The current DSL line accommodation that is required for Town Clerk may be a problem with the Town Clerk moving to another space.  Dina and Andrea might be able to move to the proposed space on the 2nd floor of One Lyme Common (the former Simi building).  We don’t have the exact figures, but calculate that approximately $500 a month, for 9 months would be adequate to cover the expenses for the remainder of 2006, and allow some money for the physical moving of the office.  The cost of a full year’s rent would be approximately $6000 (which would include the use of the T-1 line).
18.     Lee Larson appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the Grant for helping to fund the natural resources inventory – he is asking for $4,500.  The grant comes from the NH State Conservation Committee (which is funded from the sale of the conservation plates).  The Board approved and signed the Grant application.  
19.     Lee spoke to the Board about the Conservation Commission’s concerns about the present salt shed.  Those concerns will be discussed at tonight’s budget committee hearing.  
20.     Vickie and Pauline appeared before the Selectmen to discuss “junkyard issues”.  Vickie will send a follow-up letter to Jed Smith, acknowledging his clean-up efforts, and reminding him of his need to continue to maintain his efforts.

The Meeting adjourned at 9:25 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman