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Selectboard Minutes 2005/12/14
Draft:  December 14, 2005
Approved:  December 21, 2005
December 14, 2005

1.      Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, and Carole Bont attended the entire meeting and Dina Cutting and Shaun O’Keefe attended parts of the meeting.
2.      Pete Bleyler called the meeting to order at 8:01 AM
3.      The minutes of the December 7th meeting were approved with minor corrections.
4.      The DRAFT Personnel Policy changes were discussed with Carole and Dina, and Pauline’s memorandum of December 8th was reviewed.  Employee concerns over several sections were discussed, and Carole agreed to work on their rewording.  It was agreed that more work should be done before the policy changes would be ready to forward to the Budget Committee for approval.
5.      The following action items were discussed and actions taken:
a.      The drainage from several driveways along Goose Pond Road has been causing icing problems on the road.  It was agreed that it was too late in the season this year for any “solution” to be made beyond increased attention to sanding and salting the roadway.  In addition the roles of the Planning Board and Selectmen/Road Agent in regard to private driveways may need additional clarification as the “problems” originate on private property rather than the town road.
b.      The streetlights in Lyme Center were discussed with Officer O’Keefe and his observations as well as the earlier comments of both the Police Chief and Road Agent were reviewed.  Carole will draft a letter to the residents who complained about them explaining that the Board did not feel any changes were needed.
c.      The Board agreed that the Transfer Station would be closed on Christmas Day, but it will be open as usual on New Years Day.
d.      The Board agreed that the snowmobile club could perform the usual maintenance of their trail on the Common this winter.
e.      The Board voted to reduce the mileage reimbursement rate from $0.485 to $0.445 effective January 1st, 2006.
6.      The following administrative matters were completed:
a.      The manifest was reviewed and approved.
b.      The bill for electrical work on the Common (for the Christmas tree) will be charged to the “Parks miscellaneous” budget line and the completion of the mold abatement study charged to the “Selectmen miscellaneous” budget line.
c.      Carole was asked to schedule a Public Hearing (and send the appropriate notices) for the Bailey application for a building permit on a Class VI road.
d.      The listing of “Old Business” was reviewed.
e.      The road status of East Street and Goodell Lane was reviewed with Officer O’Keefe.
7.      The meeting adjourned at 9:34 AM.
R. G. Jones
Recorded pro tem