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Selectboard Minutes 2005/11/30

Draft:  November 30, 2005
Approved:  December 7, 2005

November 30, 2005

Present:  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Judy Brotman, Selectmen; Employees Carole Bont, Vickie Davis, Dina Cutting, Pauline Field, Elise Garrity, and Shawn O’Keefe; Transfer Station Committee members Cynthia Bognolo, Simon Carr, Steve Maddock, Marya Klee.

The meeting opened at 8:05 am by Chairman Pete Bleyler.
1)      The Selectmen approved the minutes of November 23rd as amended.
2)      The Selectmen met with the Town employees to discuss the proposed change in health care benefits.  The proposed plan reduces some benefits, particularly it limits chiropractic care to 12 visits per year, physical therapy to a dollar amount for outpatient treatment, and mental health is also limited to a per year dollar amount.  Some employees use some or all of these services on a regular basis, so the effect of the change will be to deny them the same level of benefit that is currently being offered.  Other employees mentioned that they appreciate that the Town is willing to offer additional coverage to the family of the employee at little or no additional cost to the employee.  
Dick proposed the option of a “buy-up” provision to employees which would include an employee contribution to cover the additional cost for coverage.  If this were to be offered, the Town would offer one Point-of-Service plan, and one Indemnity plan as buy-up options.  The Town plan would be the HMO.  The Selectmen asked Dina to check with NHMA to see if the Town can move the open enrollment period through December so that any changes would be effective as of February 1st  in order to consider this option.
3)      The Selectmen met with the Transfer Station Committee.
a)      Discussion focused on how to handle requests for use of the facility without having to purchase bags or punch cards.  Possible “free” users include the Bargain Barn, Green Up Day, Ct. River Clean-up Day, the Baptist Church, and the Library book sale.  The non-exclusive list would include any non-profit organization based in Lyme or trash generated in Lyme.  As a follow-up to this summer’s trial situation with the Bargain Barn, the Board will send a letter to Bargain Barn advising then of the estimated use and requesting a donation.
b)      The Committee and the Board reviewed the “Proposed Operating and Safety Regulation for the Transfer Station” document.  Liability at the Transfer Station is a big issue, driving many of the Operating and Safety rules.  Most of these rules are based on the report of the Safety Committee for safe and efficient operation of the Transfer Station. The Selectmen agreed to adopt the proposed operating and safety regulation as interim rules.  The Transfer Station Committee will keep the whole document for reference, but will “separate out” (a) the operating rules for staff and (b) a set of safety regulations for the public.  When revised, a copy of the public regulations should be posted on the Town’s web site with a copy for distribution as a hand-out at the Transfer Station.  
c)      The Transfer Station employment situation was reviewed.  An third attendant should be hired to replace Steve, who only agreed to serve on an interim basis and a fourth will be required if and when we get a compactor.  Carole will check into age requirement for working at transfer station as well as the licensing requirement for workers.  The Board will place an advertisement for the 3rd worker position.
d)      The Transfer Station Committee will get together a list of the required safety clothing for the workers, and Dina will order the items, which includes reflective vests, hard hats, safety glasses, and steel toe boots.
4)      The Selectmen approved the manifest.
5)      The Selectmen approved a parking permit for Dec. 16 for Full Circle concert.
6)      The Selectmen approved the Westlaw “tax” BTLA package for purchase, at a cost of $400/year, which will be charged to the assessing department.  
7)      The Selectmen signed the Petition and Pole tax request.
8)      At 9:55 am, on a motion by Judy Brotman and seconded by Pete Bleyler, the Selectmen voted unanimously by roll call vote to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) ~to discuss matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the body or agency itself.  At 10:10 the Selectmen returned to public session, having voted to grant a 2005 hardship abatement and a 2006 elderly exemption.
9)      The Selectmen approved the change in the Town Clerk office hours, effective January 1st.
10)     The Selectmen approved staff attendance at a team building program at the Hurlburt Center. (Cost of $1750 + mileage for 5 people)  
11)     The Selectmen continued discussion on the proposed health care benefit change, the proposed 2006 budget and changes to the personnel policy.
Medical Plan –Dick moved to allow employees to have a “buy up” option from the HMO plan to either the current POS or Indemnity plan.  The employee would be required to pay 100% of the difference from the Town’s plan’s cost (which is the HMO plan), to be taken as a payroll deduction.  Pete seconded the motion.  After discussion the Selectmen voted unanimously for the “buy up” option.   Employees may elect this option during the month of December, to be effective on January 1st, 2006.  The Selectmen reconfirmed an earlier vote to provide HMO coverage for all employees, and for their families, as described in the minutes of the earlier vote, unless the employee elects to “buy up”.  (see note below)
The Draft Changes to the Personnel Policy were discussed and Dick agreed to revise the draft based on the discussion.
12)     Pauline’s employment contract for 2006 was discussed and approved; and Carole’s situation was reviewed.
13)     The meeting was recessed at 10:40 am to reconvene at Monday at 5:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

NOTE:  From November 9, 2005 BOS meeting:
14)     The Selectmen reviewed the proposed change in the health care benefit plan provided to employees.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to change to Matthew Thornton Blue (MTB5) with a prescription drug plan (RX3/15/1).  This plan will be offer to all employees at 100% of coverage for the employee.  
a)      Employees with less than 2 years of employment will be able to add either two-person or family coverage at a cost to the employee of 15% for the added coverage.  Employees with at least 2 years of employment but less than 5 years of employment will be able to add either two-person or family coverage at a cost to the employee of 10% for the added coverage.  Employees with at least five years of employment but less than 10 years of employment will be able to add either two-person or family coverage at a cost to the employee of 5% for the added coverage.  Employees with 10 years or move of employment will be able to add either two-person or family coverage at no additional cost to the employee.
b)      The eligibility date for benefits will be calculated as starting on the first day of the month following the initial hiring date as a full-time employee.
c)      In the case of “broken service”, i.e. if the employee has employment with the town that is not continuous service, the Board of Selectmen will establish a constructive date of hire.
d)      Employee contributions for benefits shall be by payroll deduction.
NOTE:  An employee who is eligible for additional coverage for two-person or family coverage retains eligibility to elect additional coverage at a qualifying event or at the annual open enrollment period unless a there is a future change in the Personnel Policy.