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Selectboard Minutes 2005/11/09

Draft:  November 9, 2005
Approved:  November 16, 2005

November 9, 2005

Present:  Dick Jones, Judy Brotman, Carole Bont, Chief Pauline Field, Dina Cutting, Bill LaBombard.
The meeting opened at 8:05 am by acting chair Dick Jones.
1.      The Selectmen signed the previously approved tax abatements for J. Messineo and the Lyme Nursery School.
2.      The public session minutes of  November 2nd were approved.
3.      The non-public session minutes of November 2nd  were approved.
4.      The Decision document for the October 26th public hearing is being drafted and should be available by Wednesday, November 16th.  The meeting minutes have previously been approved and are available.
5.      The Selectmen reviewed the employees vote on whether to have a pre-tax retirement deduction or a post-tax deduction.  Presently the retirement contributions are taken out of the employees pay post-tax.  The votes were:  7 to leaved as post-tax, 3 to change to pre-tax, and 3 non-votes.  The Selectmen voted to ratify the vote and leave the retirement contributions at their present post-tax deduction.
6.      Bill LaBombard stopped by to review / discuss several issues.
7.      The Selectmen voted to pay the contract cost to enable the town employees to receive flu shots.  Individual employees wishing to receive the shots will be asked to pay $12.50 to cover the cost of the vaccine itself.
8.      The Selectmen reviewed the proposed change in the health care benefit plan provided to employees.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to change to Matthew Thornton Blue (MTB5) with a prescription drug plan (RX3/15/1).  This plan will be offer to all employees at 100% of coverage for the employee.  
a.      Employees with less than 2 years of employment will be able to add either two-person or family coverage at a cost to the employee of 15% for the added coverage.  Employees with at least 2 years of employment but less than 5 years of employment will be able to add either two-person or family coverage at a cost to the employee of 10% for the added coverage.  Employees with at least five years of employment but less than 10 years of employment will be able to add either two-person or family coverage at a cost to the employee of 5% for the added coverage.  Employees with 10 years or move of employment will be able to add either two-person or family coverage at no additional cost to the employee.
b.      The eligibility date for benefits will be calculated as starting on the first day of the month following the initial hiring date as a full-time employee.
c.      In the case of “broken service”, i.e. if the employee has employment with the town that is not continuous service, the Board of Selectmen will establish a constructive date of hire.
d.      Employee contributions for benefits shall be by payroll deduction.
NOTE:  An employee who is eligible for additional coverage for two-person or family coverage retains eligibility to elect additional coverage at a qualifying event or at the annual open enrollment period unless a there is a future change in the Personnel Policy.
9.      The Selectmen voted to carry over the unused vacation for Chief Field (2 weeks) and Officer O’Keefe (1 week).  The 2005 earned vacation time is to be used before March 31, 2006.
10.     The Selectmen spent the remainder of the meeting reviewing the budget.
There being no other business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman