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Selectboard Minutes 2005/11/02

Draft:  November 2, 2005
Approved:  November 9, 2005

November 2, 2005

Present:  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Judy Brotman, Carole Bont, Donald Locascio, Chief Pauline Field, Fred Stearns, Russell Stearns, Scott Bailey, Bill LaBombard, Elise Garrity, Dina Cutting, Vickie Davis, Lee Larson, Patty Jenks, and Kim Bielecki & Wendy Dampier of the HealthTrust.
1.      The Selectmen met with Chief Pauline Field to review the Upper Valley Humane Society contract.  The Selectmen instructed Chief Field to follow-up with the Humane Society concerning any proposed changes to the budget requests for their services.
2.      Chief Field was asked to again review the lighting situation in Lyme Center in light of the petition received from 15 Lyme Center residents.  She will assess the situation and report back to the Selectmen, who will then write a letter to the petitioners.
3.      The minutes of October 24th were approved.
4.      The minutes of October 26th were approved as amended.
5.      Vickie Davis appeared before the Selectmen to review her budget.  Lee Larson also was present to speak to several Conservation Commission issues.
6.      The Selectmen approved a “vacation carryover” for Vickie Davis – allowing her to carry forward to March 31, 2006 any unused 2005 earned vacation time.
7.      The Selectmen approved the expenditure of funds to have a replacement mylar made for the recently discovered, unrecorded mylar (which is no longer able to be recorded due to the improper material).
8.      The Selectmen authorized Vickie Davis to contact Dorchester to see if another individual can be appointed to finish the Dorchester/Lyme Town Line perambulation.
9.      The Selectmen reviewed the Edgell Bridge repair situation.
a.      The Selectmen agreed that restitution should be required of the individual(s) who caused the damage.  The total amount of the restitution is estimated “not to exceed” $3,000.
b.      The Selectmen reviewed the two quotes for repair of the Edgell Bridge.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to award the repair to Paul Movell at an estimate of $2,320.
c.      The Selectmen authorized the funding of the repair to come out of the Bridge Repair Capital Reserve Fund.
10.     Dick will represent the Board of Selectmen at tonight’s budget committee meeting.
11.     The Selectmen approved two parking permits for the common (the Christmas Pageant on 12/9, 12/10 & 12/11 and the Church’s Thanksgiving Service on 11/23).
12.     The Selectmen signed the Current Use update form for Map 405/Lot 33.
13.     The Selectmen approved the Intent-to-Cut for Map 406/L15.
14.     The Selectmen discussed the proposed Transfer Station Budget.
15.     The Selectmen agreed that the Board meeting next Wednesday will be strictly budget discussions.
16.     The Selectmen had a brief discussion with the two Health Trust representatives concerning the proposed changes to the health benefits package being offered by the Town of Lyme to Town employees.
17.     Most of the Town employees gathered at 9:30 am to hear a presentation of the comparison of the present health care benefits package and the possible proposed change to the health care plan.
18.     After everyone was assembled, Chairman Bleyler read from a letter he had received in his personal mail – which was a formal notice that the Town of Lyme, and in particular Carole Bont, had received the second place award in the New Hampshire Local Government Center’s Annual Report Contest.  CONGRATULATIONS CAROLE!
19.     Following this well-deserved congratulatory applause, the Heath Trust, following an introductory explanation by Chairman Pete Bleyler, detailed the similarities and differences between the current plan and the proposed plan.  A number of questions were asked by the employees and answered by the Health Trust representatives.  After a number of general questions and answers, the Selectmen excused themselves from the meeting, leaving the employees free to ask any further questions they may have had.
20.     At 10:20 am, on a motion by Judy Brotman and seconded by Pete Bleyler, the Selectmen voted unanimously by roll call vote to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) ~to discuss matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the body or agency itself.  At 10:25 am the Selectmen returned to public session, having voted to exempt these minutes from public inspection.
There being no other business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:26 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman