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Selectboard Minutes 2005/10/26 (Revised)

Draft:  October 26, 2005
Approved:  November 2, 2005
Amended:  November16, 2005

October 26, 2005

Present:  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Judy Brotman, Carole Bont, Benjamin Barrows, Elise Garrity, Fred King, Coleen King, Bob & Megan Houser, Wally Ragan, Jim Argentati, Sylvia & Craig Markerow, Tony & Sue Ryan.
Chairman Pete Bleyler opened the meeting at 8:00 am at the Fire Station.
1.      Benjamin Barrows appeared before the Selectmen to discuss putting the tax maps on the Town’s website.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to authorize this project.
2.      The minutes of October 19th were approved.
3.      The Selectmen reviewed Chief Field’s memo concerning lighting at the bridge connecting Market Street with Washburn Hill; and the lighting at Lyme Center. The Board concluded that no further changes were warranted.
4.      The Selectmen ask that the Highway crew inspect erosion on Grafton Turnpike and report  back to Vickie on the conditions.
5.      The Town’s Tax Rate / Warrant has been set:  Town $4.82; Local School $9.96; State School $2.64; County $1.25 – Total $18.67.
6.      Wally Ragan appeared before the Selectmen to get authorization to expend funds to have copies made of the Hazard Mitigation Plan.
7.      JJ Pippin was reappointed to the Independence Day Committee.
8.      The Board of Selectmen have reviewed the Safety Committee minutes, but have decided as a matter of policy that they will no longer be signing copies of the minutes.
9.      The Board has asked the Health Trust folks to attend next week’s meeting to review and answer questions from the town employees concerning possible alternative health care coverage.
At 9:02 am Chairman Pete Bleyler opened the PUBLIC HEARING on the request to use a portion of a Alden Road (a Class VI road) for a private driveway.  (See Decision Document.)
There being no other business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman