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Selectboard Minutes 2005/10/12
Draft:  October 12, 2005
Approved:  October 19, 2005
October 12, 2005

Present:  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Judy Brotman, Carole Bont, Chief Field, Shawn O’Keefe, Elise Garrity, Dina Cutting, Vickie Davis, Fred Stearns, Russell Stearns, Bill LaBombard, Bob Anderson.
Chairman Pete Bleyler opened the meeting at 8:00 am at the Fire Station.
1.      The Manifest was approved.
2.      The minutes of October 5, 2005 were approved.  The minutes of September 28, 2005 were approved as amended.  The non-public session minutes of September 28, 2005 were approved as amended.
3.      The Selectmen voted to close a section of Washburn Hill Road due to storm damage.  Chief Field and Fred Stearns will inspect the road today and take appropriate action.
4.      The Selectmen approved the parking request for the Pumpkin Festival on October 27th.  The request by Ledyard Bank to have a presence at the Festival will be referred to the Pumpkin Festival Committee for their action.  (The Board considered their application to be a part of the Pumpkin Festival and not a separate event.)
5.      Vickie Davis has relayed the Conservation Commission’s request to have the Board of Selectmen have the highway department check out possible erosion on the Grafton Turnpike road east of the Dartmouth Skiway.  
6.      The Selectmen waived fees for the Academy Building’s site plan review.
7.      The Selectmen asked Dina to get several quotes for the repair to the Edgell Bridge.
8.      The Employees met with the Selectmen to follow up on the discussions at recent Selectmen’s meetings on possible changes to the health insurance benefit and to voice their concerns about the upcoming budgeting cycle and the role of the Budget Committee and the Board of Selectmen.  
9.      The Fire Chief has suggested that the Board of Selectmen purchase and install a water cooler system for the Fire Station, given the amount of committees meeting at the station now.
10.     The Selectmen voted to hire Cecil Britch for the part time highway equipment operator position.
11.     The Selectmen ask that Dina e-mail her “old highway garage” removal quotes when she gets them, so the Selectmen will have them for their next meeting.
12.     The Selectmen signed the Removal of Mobile Home form for Doug Balch.
13.     The meeting RECESSED at 10 am.  The Board will reconvene at 11 am at the Town Office to meet with a representative of the DRA to set the tax rate.
14.     The meeting reconvened at 11 am at the Town Offices for a meeting with Bob Anderson of the DRA to set the tax rate.
The meeting adjourned at noon.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman