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Selectboard Minutes 2005/10/05
Draft:  October 5, 2005
Approved:  October 12, 2005
October 5, 2005

Present:  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Judy Brotman, Carole Bont,
Chairman Pete Bleyler opened the meeting at 8:00 am at the Academy Building.
1.      The Manifest was approved.
2.      The two bids for the old highway truck were opened.  The Selectmen voted to sell the truck to S. Albrecht for $1,838.
3.      The Revocation of Veterans Exemptions for Kilmarx, Simpson, Astley and Smith was unanimously approved.
4.      The Selectmen approved taking the extra costs of the new highway department vehicle from the highway department budget.
5.      The Selectmen continued discussion on the removal of the old Highway garage.
6.      The updated Bookkeeper/secretary position description was approved.
7.      The Selectmen discussed the situation with the street lights changeover in Lyme.  A few of the antique lights are still up.  
a.      Chief Field will be asked to assess two areas and make a recommendation as to whether or not lighting is needed.  
b.      Any personal desire for an additional light for personal security will be up to the individual to purchase.  
c.      Dina will be asked to review the lighting contract to see if the old lights have been either removed or replaced per the agreement.
8.      The Selectmen discussed the use of the Transfer Station by charitable organizations.  These organizations should request bags from the Town, in advance of the special event, at a regularly scheduled Selectman’s meeting.  Recyclable items should be recycled.  The sponsoring organization will be responsible for any item needing to be paid for at the time of disposal.  A copy of these minutes will be sent to Ed Gray and Lee Larson.
9.      The Selectmen reviewed the proposed Budget committee schedule.  The schedule does not allow adequate time for the department heads to work on their budget request – neither does it allow adequate time for the Selectmen to prepare their budget proposal.  A revised scheduled for the preparation of the budget follows:
a.      October 26 and November 2, Department heads meet with Board of Selectmen to review department requests.
b.      November 9, Department heads meet with Budget Committee.
c.      December 7, Board of Selectmen meet with Budget Committee to present Town budget
d.      December 14, continuation of Board of Selectmen Budget .presentation
e.      December 28, Board of Selectmen & Department Heads meet with Budget Committee
f.      School Board budget, 1/4/06 and 1/11/06.
g.      Public Hearing on Budget, 1/18/06 and 1/25/06 (if necessary)
h.      Public Hearing to recommend Warrant Articles, 2/15/06
i.      Little Town Meeting 3/7/06
j.      Town Meeting, 3/14/06
10.     The Selectmen do not have enough information to discuss the applicant for the part-time highway position.  
11.     The Selectmen reviewed the draft Highway Department Foreman position description.  The draft will be sent to Fred for review.
12.     The Selectmen approved changes to the Academy Building Management and Use Policy.
13.     The Selectmen continued discussions on Health Plan Options.  Pete to ask Dina to contact the Health Trust to have a “side-by-side” evaluation done of the current employees/plans with 3 possible alternative plans.
14.     The Personnel Policies will be changed only in areas that have been problematic for inconsistencies over the past several years, such as how to calculate vacation leave etc.  A draft of the proposed changes will be reviewed when available.
15.     The Selectmen voted to approve the “lost in the wilderness” class for Vickie.

The meeting adjourned at 10:20 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman