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Selectboard Minutes 2005/09/14
Draft:  September 14, 2005
Approved:  September 21, 2005
September 14, 2005

Present:  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Judy Brotman, Carole Bont, Dina Cutting (Bookkeeper/Secretary), Fred Stearns (Road Agent), Kim Bielecki and Wendy Dampier (LGC Health Trust); Matt Sturdevant (Ct. Valley Spectator),  Don Elder, Chris Schoenberger, Wayne Bates, Sallie Ramsden, Barbara Roby, John Campbell (Academy Building Committee).
Chairman Pete Bleyler opened the meeting at 8:00 am at the Fire House
1.      The Non-Public Session and Public Session Minutes of September 7th were approved as amended.
2.      The Manifest was approved.
3.      The Selectmen approved a mileage reimbursement rate of 48.5 cents per mile, per the IRS guidelines, from September 1st through December 31, 2005.  
4.      The Eagle Scout ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, October 15th.    Lyme will have two Eagle Scout candidates receiving their badge. The Selectmen will present Certificates and Letters of Congratulations – possibly in person if a Selectman is able to attend the ceremony.  
5.      The Selectmen met with Fred Stearns to discuss several highway issues.  
a.      Fred asked when the old town shed is scheduled to be torn down.  Carole will check on the performance time of the sale contract.  We believe the purchaser has 6 months from the date it was vacated to remove the garage from the premises.  
b.      The 1995 F-350 truck with dump body and plow should be advertised for sale by bid.  The ton truck should be put advertised “as is where is”.  
c.      Fred has satisfactorily completed his refresher CDL training.  The Selectmen previously approved the Town reimbursing Fred the cost of the class – Dina should process the reimbursement in the next manifest.  
d.      With reference to the Salt Shed - the Town should probably order Salt Shed now, with expectation of installing it next spring.   
e.      The Block Grant money can be used for purchasing calcium chloride and stones for repairing several storm-related wash out areas.  
f.      Several (3) E-2 signs are missing from town bridges.  When the signs have been replaced, a letter will be sent to the State advising them of the replacement of the signs.  
g.      The Selectmen and Fred reviewed the key situation at the highway garage. Keys will be given to Transfer Station attendants Steve, Al, and Jed.  This will allow access to the hallway/bathroom/kitchen area.  A portable eye-wash station should be added to the bathroom (see report from Safety Committee).  There is an eyewash station in the highway garage bay area.
6.      The Selectmen discussed with Fred the possibility of having the Town Highway Department plowing out the library lot.  The Selectmen voted not to approve the town highway department plowing out the Library lot – we feel the Library is best served by a private individual doing the plowing, sanding, and hand shoveling.
7.      The Selectmen approved the Senior Luncheon at the Academy Building.
8.      The Academy Building Committee discussed the need to do something about the parking – perhaps a gravel hard-pack surface – they have a quote of $6485 to do job (Derby Mountain Construction).  The committee will meet and formulate a plan to be reviewed by the Selectmen and Planning Board.  The Funds will need to be found to do this job – perhaps a combination of town funds and private funds.
9.      The Academy Building Committee looked at the uses at the building and the charges being assessed for the building use.  Some classes held in the building do not charge the participants.  The Committee members wanted to know what the Selectmen felt is “significant personal gain”?  Lyme residents are now using the hall for free for personal parties/use.  One question is, should a part of the fee assessed be used to cover janitor services?  The Committee’s consensus was that if the group is mostly Lyme residents, they should be charged less.  In addition, some items or events are not covered by our insurance. The town covers insurance, if sponsored by a town organization.  “Free Will” donation jars don’t cover costs of some events.  The Selectmen asked that the Committee suggest a “donation” or “fee” amount for the Selectmen consider.  
10.     The Selectmen voted to reimburse Jan Williams for $65 to reimburse her health care costs, associated with an accident at the transfer station, and a letter thanking her for bringing the difficulty at the transfer station to our attention.
11.     The Selectmen reviewed Arthur Strout’s application for an Intent-to-Cut permit for his property, Map 409/Lot 45.  This may be violation of the zoning ordinance.  The Selectmen asked that the Zoning Administrator review this for zoning compliance.  No other action was taken at this time.
12.     The Selectmen were updated on the situation raised by Colin Robinson.
13.     The Selectmen reviewed the appeal by the NH Electric Co-Op of the assessment. The information has been forwarded to the Town’s attorney for review.
14.     No decision was made at this time to hire an additional “on call” person for the Transfer Station.  
15.     Judy Barker’s request for information has been taken care of (regarding the placement of sand at the Town’s beach).  
16.     The Selectmen unanimously voted to reconfirm that we have never officially adopted the NHMA recommended wage and pay scale, and we are not using it for setting any employees compensation.  A Wage and Pay Scale will only be adopted after an update and only with a “a desk audit” for a real compensation/labor study.
17.     The Selectmen met with Kim and Wendy from the Local Government Center Health Trust.  The Selectmen, at the urging of the Budget Committee, are examining possible ways to control the escalating costs associated with health insurance while still providing Town employees with a benefits package.
18.     Dina advised the Selectmen that the “end of Treasurer audit” is scheduled for tomorrow.
19.     Pete updated the Selectmen on the Annual Library Trustees meeting issues:
a.      The Trustees asked about striping the parking lot.  The library will do the striping, if the Selectmen approve.  The Selectmen voted to approve the striping of the parking lot at the library.
b.      The Trustees were concerned about the required posting of labor & safety notices in the workplace.  Dina and Betsey will resolve the posting of the notices for both the Town offices and the Library.  
c.      The Trustees asked for a list of the wages of all town employees. Carole to double check if this type of list is a public record.  Dick will develop a list of positions and pay if these records are found to be public.
d.      The Trustees approved the use of the art room for meetings by Town committees.
20.     The chair of the Office Committee can be any member of the committee, no exclusion.  
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman