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Selectboard Minutes 2005/09/07
Draft:  September 7, 2005
Approved:  September 14, 2005
September 7, 2005

Present:  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Judy Brotman, Carole Bont, Patty Jenks, Town Clerk and Police Chief Field.
1.      Chairman Pete Bleyler opened the meeting at 8:00 am at the Fire House
2.      Patty Jenks appeared at the meeting to discuss several issues.  When, – and if -  the Selectmen formulate a committee meeting location policy, it will be relayed to all committee
3.      The Minutes of August 31, 2005 were approved as amended.
4.      The Manifest was approved.
5.      The Selectmen discussed the amount of overtime worked by Elise to prepare for the MS-1 by September 1st deadline.  The Selectmen voted to pay her for the overtime, either at time-and-a-half or as comp time, but asked Carole to remind everyone that accurate time records must be maintained on a weekly basis.  
6.      The question of possible highway work on Isaac Perkins Road was investigated and resoled.  The highway department did replace a collapsed culvert this spring; however the new ditching up there was not done by the town crew.  
7.      The Selectmen continued discussions on the updating of the Personnel Policies.
8.      Fred appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the hiring of Cecil Britch on a temporary basis for the next week.  He has a Class A, CDL license and will be able to operate all the equipment.  The Selectmen voted to hire Mr. Birch at $10.50 / hour with no benefits on a temporary basis, to start on Thursday, 9/8.
9.      The Selectmen voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:II(e) and RSA 91-A:II(c) for discussion of two matters.
10.     The Selectmen returned to public session at 10:05 am, having voted to exempt the Non-Public Session minutes from pubic inspection.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman