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Selectboard Minutes 2005/08/09
Draft:  August 9, 2005
Approved:  August 17, 2005
August 9, 2005

Present:  Pauline Field, Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Carole Bont.
1.      Chief Field requested that the Board approve Shaun O’Keefe to the position of full time police officer.  He is presently employed by Hanover, and is a member of the NH “Swat” Team.  In addition to employment as a full time police officer, she wishes him to continue with this special duty.  Dick Jones moved to hire Shaun O’Keefe at $17/hour, with 66 hours of vacation time to be used by 12/31/05, as outlined in the Chief’s memorandum of 8/8/05.  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  Unanimously approved.  To start August 28th, 2005. “Special Police Officer”.
2.      The Selectmen approved the Manifest.
3.      The letter to Bob Sweitzer was approved and signed.
4.      The Selectmen voted to authorize Carole to sign the Dowd’s Inn requests for outside food/liquor service.
5.      The Selectmen assessed, and voted to abate, the Land Use Change Tax for the Lyme Nursery School at 155 Dartmouth College Highway.
6.      The Selectmen voted to confirm the continuation of the existing investment policy with Luane’s recommendation to include a “sweep” account.
7.      The Library Trustees asked the Board to meet with them at their meeting on Monday, September 12th at 7:00 pm.  Judy and Pete will attend.
8.      The Selectmen approved the $300 haul charge for Witcher at the Transfer Station (this is a modification to the contract price).  The on-going improvements to the Transfer Station area, including fence netting and landscaping, should be accounted for from capital reserve fund.
9.      The Selectmen approved the “Air Quality Initiative” for the Selectmen’s office air testing; and should be charged to the General Government Building account.
10.     The Selectmen deferred approved of the Safety and Loss Prevention policy pending a rewrite of Appendix B by Dick.  In addition, the school should be deleted from the Town policy, as they are an independent political entity and should have their own policy.
11.     The Selectmen denied the Hallett request for a  tax abatement.
12.     The installation of the BMSI “link” software, at a software costs of $1600 is on hold for further investigation.
13.     The Selectmen voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) for discussion of matters which would affect the reputation of an individual if made public.
14.     The Selectmen returned to public session at 8:48 am, having voted to make the Non-Public Session minutes concerning the Sweitzer conversation available for public inspection.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman