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Selectboard Minutes 2005/07/22
Draft:  July 20, 2005
Approved:  July 22, 2005

July 20, 2005

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; Bookkeeper/Secretary Dina Cutting, Clerk Elise Garrity, P&Z Administrator Vickie Davis, Sexton Bill LaBombard.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am.  

1.      The Minutes of July 6 were approved as corrected.  The Minutes of July 13, 2005 were approved.
2.      The Manifest was approved.
3.      The Selectmen approved the request to use the Academy Building for Yoga Classes by Carole Petrillo (sponsored by Lyme resident Julie Wolf) for Tuesday, 9/6-10/25, 9:00am-10:30am.
4.      The Selectmen approved the use of Post Pond recreation facility by Deborah Bristol on July 22nd, from 1:00-5:00pm, for a birthday party of 20 children.
5.      The Selectmen confirmed the appointment of Ben Kilham as an alternate to the Planning Board.
6.      The Selectmen discussed position descriptions for several highway classifications.  The Heavy Equipment Operator and the Equipment Operator position descriptions were approved.  The position description for the highway foreman will be discussed at a later date.
7.      Fred has returned to work for a few hours each day at the highway garage.  
8.      The Selectmen will notice a public hearing for next week (July 27) at 8:30 am, on the Hazard Mitigation plan prepared by Wally Ragan. Following public hearing the Selectmen are prepared to approve the plan.
9.      The Selectmen will review the Safety & Loss Prevention Policy over the next few weeks.
10.     The Employment Security Questionnaire will not be completed this year due to staff time limitations.
11.     The Selectmen discussed preparations for the upcoming mid-year joint meeting with the Budget Committee.
a.      Dina will prepare a 6-month budget status printout (as of June 30th) for the selectmen’s review prior to the meeting;
b.      the meeting will begin with a 6 month review of  the budget;
c.      Dick will briefly discuss the hand-out of vehicle and heavy equipment and replacement schedules that the Selectmen will be using;
d.      Pete will present a transfer station update – including the budget request for a pole barn, a compactor (and requisite concrete pad), a new hire (already hired by the Selectmen), the addition of one more collection “day,” and  beautification issues;
e.      the Selectmen will present a review of the highway department status – continuation of the salt shed, carry over of the block grant funds from this year to next year, and the request for janitor services to the department budget;
f.      the Selectmen will advised the Budget Committee of the formation of a town offices building study committee; and
g.      the Selectmen will update the Budget Committee on the status of the Town’s Treasurer and the projected mailing date of this year’s tax bills.
12.     The Selectmen discussed employee pension fund contributions.  (Presently we have a qualified retirement plan through the NH Retirement system with a post-tax deduction for the employee’s contribution.  It has been confirmed that the payroll company is correctly deducting the employee’s retirement contribution and their W-2s.  The type of retirement plan, a “pre-tax” vs. a “post-tax” plan is a decision of the Board of Selectmen to make.  Only the governing body (in our case the Board of Selectmen) can change the type of plan.  The question now is whether or not we want to change from a post-tax to a pre-tax plan.  We will look into the history of the current retirement plan, discuss the options with all the affected Town employees and then consider if we wish to continue with our existing plan or change to another.
13.     The Selectmen discussed and approved the formation of a town office building study committee and the charge as discussed.
14.     The Selectmen approved the charge for the new Town Offices Building Committee.  Members of the 7-9 person committee will include Carole Bont and Patty Jenks from the Town staff, and Selectman Chairman Pete Bleyler.  Selectman Judy Brotman will be the Selectman alternate.  The Selectmen will place an announcement asking for interested community members to submit their names as possible committee members to the Board for consideration.  The announcement will be placed on the Town’s web site, the Lyme Listserve posting service and in the Church Newsletter.
15.     DSL line is done and operating!
16.     The Selectmen voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into non-public session under RSA 91-a:3 II (c) matters which if discussed in public could affect the reputation of an individual; and  (e) consideration of  lawsuits filed, at 9:03 am.
17.     The Selectmen returned to public session at 9:24 am having voted to exempt the minutes from public inspection.
18.     The meeting was recessed at 9:25 am to Friday morning at 8:00 am for an interview with Andrea Colgan for consideration of appointment to the Treasurer position.
Respectfully submitted,     

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman