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Selectboard Minutes 2005/06/29
Draft:  June 29, 2005
Approved:  July 6, 2005
June 29, 2005

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Simon Carr, Russell Stearns, Scott Bailey and Bill LaBombard.  Jessica Lee, Valley News.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am.  

Administrative Matters.

1.      The Minutes of June 22, 2005 were approved as corrected. The Non-Public Session Minutes of June 22, 2005 were approved as corrected.
2.      The Manifest was approved.
3.      The Selectmen approved the abatement for Vicki Bacon-Husband of $175.13 (Map 201/lot 125).
4.      The Selectmen approved the Land Use Change Tax for Arthur Stout (Map 409/lot 45) of $2,080.
5.      The Selectmen assessed the yield tax to Laura McDaniel (Map 402/lot 29) of $42.38.
6.      The Selectmen assessed the yield tax to Richard and Lucie Bourdon (Map 402/lot 21) of $345.45.
7.      The Selectmen confirmed the appointment of Don Dwight as Alternate Member of Planning Board.
8.      The Selectmen approved the purchase of a cemetery lot to Brent and Lori Stearns.
9.      The Selectmen approved the street light conversion for a cost of $8,200 (vs. the estimated cost of $8,500) starting in September.  Traffic control will be needed when the light installation is taking place.  Carole will contact Pauline to ask her to schedule this traffic control into her department’s work schedule.
10.     The Selectmen discussed a Town Investment Policy.  An article in June 2005 Town & City publication recommends that towns review the policy each year.  There should be a Policy for funds held by Treasurer.  There should be a separate policy for the Trustees of Trust Funds funds.  The Selectmen recommend that our current Treasurer review the article and make recommendations to the Selectmen.
11.     The Administrative Assistant PD (position description) will be reviewed next week.
12.     The possibility of the Young transfer of land to the Town should be placed back on the action list.
13.     The DSL line is almost complete.
14.     The Selectmen will wait to hear from Fred as to his situation, and possible return to work date.  
15.     Pete updated the Selectmen on this Sunday’s Transfer Station excitement.
16.     Andrea Colgan met with Luane and Dina.  Luane and Dina both recommend that Andrea be appointed as Town Treasurer, effective August 1st.    Luane will help Andrea through the month of August.  The Selectmen would like to meet with Andrea briefly, then officially appoint her and have her sworn in…hopefully this can be scheduled for July 20th. In the interim, Andrea should begin her meetings with Luane.
Action Items:
17.     The Selectmen met with Simon Carr to discuss the Lyme Historians Inc. gift of $2000 (in memory of Ruth Whitmore) which was donated to allow the hiring of someone to scan in the existing photos.  Simon was wondering if the Town can employee the person.  The Selectmen agreed that the town could hire a temporary employee for this project, either as a subcontractor or a temporary, short-term employee.  Dick moved that the History Committee be authorized to hire an individual to scan and catalog existing photos.  Pete seconded the notion.  The motion carried unanimously.    
18.     The Selectmen met with Bill LaBombard, Russell Stearns and Scott Bailey to discuss several highway department issues –
a.      A fence has been put up around old shop.  (The highway workers will finish “clean out” of the old garage today.)   We borrowed 3 rolls of fencing from Dartmouth Skiway.  The temporary dumpster is not needed yet, so it has not been ordered.
b.      Extra metal siding from the new garage will be “stored” behind the new garage.
c.      The old 450 engine will still need to be stored.  It will be put on the mezzanine.
d.      The highway crew can handle the grading required to prepare for the new salt shed.
e.      The Selectmen voted to hire Allen Rowell to do grading for roadside ditches and shoulders with the use of our grader.  (The highway crew is getting around to all the roads for grading, however the constant rain and personnel shortages are the main deterrent to accomplishing more road work.)  Bill, Russell and Scott all think that using extra help to pull ditches alongside the hills is a first priority – up to 120 hours, using our grader.
f.      The Selectmen would like to begin advertising for a heavy equipment operator.  An extra person will be needed for the winter for storm response.  A CDL operator (able to drive a truck with plow) will be needed.  Short term full time operator will be advertised for – mid-October through mid-March.
g.      The roads have taken a beating this spring with the prolonged storm weather, and several are now in disrepair.  The Selectmen shared a draft of their notice updating everyone on what the Board and Highway Department are doing to catch up with emergency repairs and regular maintenance.  The notice will be published on the Lyme List Serve, the Church Newsletter and Town’s web site.
h.      The new grader seat is in and is making a huge difference.
The meeting adjourned at 9:16 am.
Respectfully submitted,     
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman