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Selectboard Minutes 2005/06/15
Draft:  June 15, 2005
Approved:  June 22, 2005

June 15, 2005

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; Administrative Assistant Carole Bont, Police Chief Pauline Field.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am.  

Administrative Matters.

1.      The Minutes of June 1, 2005 were approved as corrected; and the Minutes of June 8, 2005 were approved.
2.      The Manifest was approved.
3.       The Selectmen approved the posting of minutes clearly marked “DRAFT” on the Town’s web site, with the exception of the Selectmen’s minutes, which will be posted only in final approved form.
4.      The Selectmen approved the mid-year meeting with the Budget Committee, now scheduled for August 3, 2005 at 7:30 pm.  Budget Heads will be notified of the meeting and asked to notify the Board of Selectmen concerning any new line items that they are contemplating for next year.
Action Items:
5.      The Selectmen met with Pauline Field concerning approval of the Bad Check Policy.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the “Issuing Bad Checks” policy, Policy #00-012.  
6.      The Selectmen voted to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II (a) Employee Review and RSA 91-A:3, II (e) Consideration of Lawsuits Filed, by unanimous roll call vote.  
7.      The Selectmen return to public session at 8:50pm .
8.      The Selectmen discussed the request of Tom Toner – items in the old highway garage are not available for individual procurement.  (The old garage and its contents have been sold as a package.)
9.      The Selectmen discussed several highway department issues –
a.      The roads have taken a beating this spring with the prolonged storm weather, and several are now in disrepair.  The Selectmen will draft a letter updating everyone on what the Board and Highway Department are doing to catch up with emergency repairs and regular maintenance.  The letter will be published on the Lyme List Serve, the Church Newsletter and Town’s web site.
b.      Fred is still out -  and will be out until his doctor okay's him to return to work .
c.      As an initial project, Ben Kilham has suggested that Fred work to locate the culverts in Town, along with the Town drainages.
d.      The Selectmen would like to get a temporary, part-time employee for the highway department for the summer.  
10.     The Lyme Farmer’s market will be proposed for the school land.
11.     The Selectmen approved the class for Vicki Davis in November.
12.     The Selectmen will not be able to attend the Arthur Stout site visit at11am on Thursday.  Vickie Davis will recommend a course of action based on the state expert present on the site visit.
13.     The Selectmen will be presenting the Boston Post Cane today at 1:45 pm at Wheelock Terrace to Amelia (Pat) Greenwood.
14.     Pete gave a Transfer Station update – the committee collected $2,500 last Sunday at the Transfer Station.  Bags and cards are now available at Nichols and Lyme Country Store.  
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 am.
Respectfully submitted,     
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman