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Selectboard Minutes 2005/05/25
Draft:  May 25, 2005
Approved: June 1, 2005

May 25, 2005

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; Administrative Assistant Carole Bont.                                                        

The meeting opened at 8:00 am.  

1.      The Minutes of May 18, 2005 were approved as corrected.
2.      Janet William’s abatement, Tax Map 403/Lot 3, was approved for $2,600 (the tax card erroneously listed a well on the property, but an on-site inspection showed improvements to the property, leaving an abated amount of $2,600).  
3.      The Selectmen approved an Intent-to-Cut for Thomas & Kathryn Green at 328 Orford Road, Tax Map 406 / Lot 15.
4.      The Selectmen approved yield taxes for the Estate of Everett Rich; M&K Robinson; R. VanVleck and J.Palmer.
5.      The Selectmen approved the Utility Club request to replace lilac bushes on the common, with the condition that the project be coordinated with Bill LaBombard, the Town’s Sexton.
6.      The Selectmen discussed a Town Office organizational chart and office position descriptions.  The Selectmen decided against a formal organizational chart for the Town Office, but will be providing updated descriptions for Selectmen office positions, beginning with the Administrative Assistant position.    
a.      The Administrative Assistant position has an office coordination function, with no responsibility for the quality of work.  The Selectmen will review the semi-final position description and then proceed to work on the remaining position descriptions.
7.      The Selectmen will approve the revised Academy Building Policy next week unless serious objections are raised by the Committee.  Judy will follow-up with Sallie Ramsden this week before final approval.
8.      The Selectmen appointed a new member, Sue MacKenzie, to the Energy Committee.  Of note, the Energy Committee has raised the funds (privately) to join SERG – being one of  only three Upper Valley towns to join.
9.      The Selectmen reviewed the current status of the Walter Young property, which abuts the Town Forest.  The Selectmen are willing to go forward to resolve the boundary in contention, starting afresh, if Mr. Young still wishes to do so.  The Selectmen authorize Town Counsel to approach Mr. Young or his representative to see if he is still interested.
10.     The Selectmen discussed updating the CIP (Capital Improvement Program) for the Town. The Selectmen will develop projection spreadsheets for (a) vehicle and heavy equipment purchases and (b) other purchases (public buildings, computer hardware, reappraisal and fire equipment purchases).
11.     The Recreation Commission has asked that the Selectmen approve the public’s use of Chase Beach – in a similar fashion to that method used for the Academy Building.  The Selectmen voted to take on this task, and charged the office staff with developing a use request application that can be filled out by an applicant and reviewed by the Selectmen in other than routine cases.
12.     The Selectmen noted that a verbal request to the Recreation Commission to use the Academy Building for yoga classes has the support of the Recreation Commission, but has not been presented to the Selectmen on the proper application form (which is available on the web) with the required information (including proof of insurance).
13.     The Selectmen declined to support the request by the Recreation Commission that adults participating in Town athletic activities, such as but not limited to the summer softball league, be required to sign a waiver of liability form.
14.      For the next meeting the Selectmen will present 2 names (each) for possible consideration as Town Treasurer.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 am.
Respectfully submitted,     
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman