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Selectboard Minutes 2005/05/11
Draft:  May 11, 2005
Approved: May 18, 2005

May 11, 2005

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; Carole Bont, Carol Larson, Tracdy Flickinger, Steve Maddock, Marya Klee and Paul King.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am.  

1.      The public session minutes of 5/4/05 were approved as corrected.  The Non-Public Session minutes of 5/4/05 were approved as written.
2.      Carl Larson, Trustee of the Trust Funds, appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the appropriation of funds from the Cemetery Commission trust funds for the purchase of a lawn mower for maintenance of the cemeteries.  The Selectmen voted to direct the Trustees to withdraw money to be forwarded to the Treasurer from the perpetual care trust funds of $2550 plus $400.  Other funds will come from the town’s general funds.
3.      Tracy Flickinger requested that the 8th Grade Class be given permission to use the Post Pond beach area for their graduation party on June 17th from 6:30 pm to 9 pm. There will be 5-6 chaperones, approximately 40 kids, and 2 lifeguards.  A fire permit will be given for the BBQ use.  Chief Field will be notified of the event.  The Selectmen approved the request for use of the pond and grills.  A tent is permitted.  All garbage will be packed out.  Life guards and chaperones will be provided by the class.
4.      The Academy Building use permit link on the Lyme Town web site will be fixed.
5.      The Selectmen approved the allocation of the Police Department bill of $127 to dispatch service.
6.      The Selectmen approved the use of the Academy Building by the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Center for June 29th from 4:30 – 9:30.
7.      Two overdue ambulance bills will be kept open for further collection.  
8.      The Selectmen voted to abate the tax lien of W. Shelby, Map 416, Lot 22.  The Selectmen voted to abate the tax lien of M. Richter, Map 402, Lot 102.
9.      The Selectmen appointed John Sanders as the contact person for vendors and other parties interested in communications issues.  The Communications Committee recommend that the town budget include all technology items in one line.  The Selectmen are going to delay a decision for now.  The Communications Committee is asked to report to the Selectmen in June to be included in the discussion of the 2006 budget.
10.     The Selectmen approved finalizing the Procurement Policy, then forwarding the draft policy on to the department heads for review.  After comment from the Department Heads, the draft policy will be forwarded to Mitchell & Bates for their comment.
Board of Selectmen
Minutes of May 11, 2005
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11.     The Selectmen discussed the requests for reimbursement from J. Argentati for a new windshield.  His was destroyed when he drove into the cable across the access way to the Pond Recreation Area parking lot.  The cable did have flags on it, which Mr. Argentati did not see.  The Selectmen voted not to reimburse the cost of a new windshied for Mr. Argentati.
12.     The Selectmen authorized Vickie Davies to have Mitchell & Bates review the Adopted Zoning Ordinance for up to 5-6 hours of time.
13.     Marya Klee and Steve Maddock appeared before the Selectmen to discuss their meeting with the Bargain Barn committee representatives.  It was agreed that the Bargain Barn might become a dump site.  The Bargain Barn representatives agreed to track the amount being disposed of.  They also agreed to recycle items being disposed of rather than putting everything into the trash.  The Bargain Barn area will be signed to clearly state that illegal dumping will be considered littering, and will be forwarded on to the Police or follow-up.  All garbage will be taken to the transfer station by “Those Guys”, who will have Al check the loads before dumping them.  They would like permission to use standard 32 gallon black bags.  They also request to have the Police watch the collection area.  They would like to use this season to gather information, and decide an appropriate course of action based on the information.  A nominal payment will probably be made to the Town for the use of the Transfer Station.  
14.     The Selectmen agree to suspend the transfer station fee at this time for this year for both the Bargain  Barn and the Lyme Center Rummage Sale.  The Selectmen request the Bargain Barn crate a plan to reduce the volume of trash being generated, including the use of recycling.  The Bargain Barn will track the “tonnage” (i.e. the number of bags and number of items) to create an estimate of the amount of fees waived.  The Selectmen will ask the Bargain Barn to consider a donation help defray costs to the Town.  The Selectmen will draft a letter to go to the Bargain Barn – after review by Steve and Marya.
15.     The Selectmen approved the fees for bulky items and C&D materials as proposed by the Transfer Station committee.
16.     There is still a problem of where to store the bags.  Pete will approach Earl Strout about using some space at the Green Mountain Studio building.
17.     Paul King, Events Manager of the Dowd’s Inn, asked the Selectmen to approve the service of liquor for outdoor events in the upcoming season – 5/28, 6/4, 6/14, 6/24, 7/2, 7/3, 7/9, 7/16.   The Selectmen approved the requested dates.  There will be no parking of cars on the common for any of these events.
18.      The Selectmen approved the use of the Lyme Listserve to refer people to the Town Web Site.  All three town communications links will be utilized – the Listserve, the Church Newsletter, the town Web Site.  The “teaser” and the notice should go through the Selectmen’s office with Elise editing the web page and posting to the Listserve.  Only “fishey” information should go to the Board of Selectmen – after Carole has reviewed the request.
Board of Selectmen
Minutes of May 11, 2005
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19.     The Selectmen voted to into Non-Public Session by unanimous roll call vote under RSA 92:A-3 II (c).  
20.     The Selectmen returned to Public Session having granted one hardship abatement, and discussing some personnel matters, and having voted to exempt the non-public session minutes from public disclosure.
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.
Respectfully submitted,     
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman