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Selectboard Minutes 2005/04/20
Draft:  April 20, 2005
Approved:  April 27, 2005
April 20, 2005

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; Dina Cutting, Bill LaBombard, Luane Cole, Vickie Davis.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am.  

1.      The Selectmen opened the bids for the proposed new highway department truck.  Bids were received from Diprizio GMC and Yankee.  The bids will be reviewed by the Selectmen and by the Road Agent, with a decision to make at a subsequent meeting.
2.      Bill LaBombard appeared before the Selectmen to discuss a new mower for the cemetery. The Selectmen approved the purchase of the mower, with the Selectmen to determine the appropriate funding source.  
3.      Bill reported that Shirley Waterbury had called the highway garage to complain about gravel and sand being plowed on her property.  The Selectmen will take a look and at the property and get back to her on whether or not this is something the town will repair.  
4.      Luane Cole appeared before the Selectmen to request that the Board consider an appointment for the Treasurer’s position before she leaves town.  The replacement should be meticulous and regular, will to devote approximately 10 hours a week to the position.  Dina will put together a list of responsibilities for both the Treasurer position and the Bookkeeper position.
5.      The minutes of April 13th were approved as corrected.
6.      The police department over time for moving out of the office during the oil spill remediation will be taken out of the police department budget.
7.      The Selectmen approved the last pay check for Steve Williams.
8.      The Selectmen will develop a draft policy for the purchase of items over $1000 (amount to be determined).  
9.      The Selectmen will be scheduling a budget review with the department heads mid-summer to review this year’s budget and begin budget requests in preparation for next year.
10.     The Safety Committee needs to have its annual meeting.  Pete will review the Safety Committee policy.
11.     The Selectmen voiced concern about the up keep of the new highway garage.  Judy will meet with the highway department about this subject.
12.     The Selectmen voted by roll call vote to go into Non-Public Session to consider a request for an elderly tax exemption.
13.     The Selectmen returned to public session at 8:53 am, having voted to grant the request for an elderly tax exemption.  The Selectmen also voted by roll call vote to exempt the Non-Public Session minutes from public inspection.
14.     The Local Government Center will come and present a 1 hour seminar on Post Pond safety and security issues.  This session is scheduled for 1 pm on June 20th.
15.     The Selectmen granted permission for Peter Wagner of Thetford Academy to have a table at the Transfer Station.  He should consult with Al Pryor before setting up the table.
16.     The Selectmen approved a memorial bench on Lyme Common, the placement to be approved by the Sexton.  The approved bench will be a wooden Chadwick bench with a memorial plaque located on the reverse side of the back of the bench, and be no larger than 4” x 8”.  The bench will not be permanently attached.  The Town will not be responsible to maintain the bench.
17.      The Selectmen voted NOT to put in a claim with the Emergency Management department for the two snow storms.
18.     Reminder, Ray Burton will be meeting with the Selectmen next week.
19.     The meeting adjourned at 9:20 am.
Respectfully submitted,     

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman