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Selectboard Minutes 2005/04/06
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 6 April 2005
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened for its regular weekly meeting at 8:00 AM with selectmen Pete Bleyler and Dick Jones in attendance.  The following attended all or parts of the meeting:  Carole Bont (administrative assistant), Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/secretary), Russell Stearns and Bill LaBombard (highway department), Pauline Field (police chief), Steve Maddock and Simon Carr (transfer station committee), Jean Smith (cemetery commission) and Mike Hinsley (fire chief).
2.      Pauline, Russell and Bill came in to update the Board on Fred’s condition and various highway department issues.
a.      Steve Williams will be resigning from the department effective April 15th.
b.      Based on input from Russell and Bill, the Board  The Board agreed and decided to hire Scott as a full-time “equipment operator” with full benefits effective today.
c.      They said that all Town roads were “passable”, and the Board agreed that farther work would have to await their drying out.
d.      Specifications for the new small dump truck were discussed.  Bill will prepare specifications for a GMC 5500 cab and chassis and Dick was authorized to send out RFPs.  No decision was made on equipping the new vehicle.
e.      Pauline agreed to assist the highway department on preparing and submitting a request for disaster/emergency relief funds to reimburse the Town for road washouts suffered over this last weekend.
3.      Steve and Simon came in to discuss various issues concerning the transfer station and implementing the “pay-per-throw” program.  The Board made the following decisions:
a.      Biodegradable bags will not be purchased as they do not degrade when buried in a land fill and cost more per bag.
b.      Two sizes of bags will be purchased.  The 16-gallon size will sell for $10.00 per package of 10 and the 33-gallon size at $20.00 per package of 10.
c.      Bags for resale will primarily be stored in the Town jail.
d.      A contract will be awarded to “The Bag Company” for a 1-year supply of bags.
e.      Bags will be available for purchase at both Nichols and the Lyme Country Store, and both will receive a commission of $0.02 per bag with the Town being paid monthly for the bags sold.
f.      A supply of bags will be made available to the Overseer of Public Welfare for distribution to those in need.
It was agreed that additional work was needed before reaching a decision on the fencing of the transfer station, design and construction of the proposed pole barn, fees and method of payment (coupons or punch card) for C&D, white goods and tires, and disposal of plastic hay bale wrap.  A goal of July 1st was agreed to for implementing the new fees.
4.      Jean came in to discuss the possible subdivision of the cemetery/highway garage lot.  It was agreed that additional research was needed (most significantly any state setback requirements for a transfer station) before making any decisions.
5.      Administrative matters:
a.      The minutes of March 30th were approved as amended.
b.      Joanne Messineo was assessed a yield tax of $158.96.
c.      The auditor’s MS-5 was approved and signed.
6.      Mike came in discuss fire department issues.
a.      The Board approved applying for a homeland security grant for a new tanker/pumper after confirming that the 2005 budget included adequate funds to meet the Town’s 5% match.  If the grant is approved, the funds will be used to replace the 1984 Ford pumper.
b.      Mike also briefed the Board on the very poor condition of the FAST squad/equipment truck and that homeland security grants were not available for this type of equipment.  He was advised to include a request for its replacement in his 2006 budget request.
7.      The meeting adjourned at 9:35 AM.
R. G. Jones