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Selectboard Minutes 2005/04/13
Draft:  April 13, 2005
Approved:  April 20, 2005
April 13, 2005
Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; staff Carole Bont, Chief Pauline Field, Computer Consultant Harvey Brotman, FireChief Michael Hinsley, Firefighter Pete Mulvihill, and Public Lee Larson, David Roby.
The meeting opened at 8:00 am.
1.      The Selectmen requested Chief Field review the hazard warning signs on Town roads.  The Selectmen also asked Chief Field review the signs for the change of Route 10 from “Pleasant Street” to “Orford Road”.
2.      Chief Field updated the Selectmen on the new (temporary) police office, and the issues associated with it, including insurance clean-up of the Fire Station office and overtime costs for moving.  
3.      The Selectmen agreed that the Fire Station clean up should be done by the Insurance Company and their subcontractors.  In this way the Town has been advised that the Insurance Company will take care of all the cleanup costs under the existing insurance policy.
4.      Harvey Brotman appeared before the Selectmen to discuss ways to get high speed DSL service for the Town offices.  In addition, he discussed the Town Clerk’s proposed new program that requires high speed internet connection. The Selectmen authorized Harvey to pursue the DSL connection for the Town offices and to obtain a high security firewall.  
5.      Harvey advised the Selectmen that an employee of Verizon had said that the only way to get Verizon to provide DSL service to Lyme was to petition the PUC for this service.  The PUC has the leverage to get Verizon to provide the service.  In addition, Harvey was told that the service lines coming into Lyme are already installed.  
6.      The Selectmen approved the minutes of April 6, 2005 as amended.
7.      Dick provided each of the Selectmen with a perambulation report.
8.      The Selectmen read and approved the revised “Beaver” letter to the NH Fish & Game Department.  The Selectmen recommended that a copy of the Town’s Pond Level Policy be attached to the letter.
9.      David Roby appeared before the Selectmen to ask the Town to consider either joining with him in asking for a remand of the ZBA decision to the ZBA or filing its own request for remand, in order to allow the ZBA to re-examine the facts.  The Selectmen thanked Mr. Roby for his concern, and said that the Selectmen will relay the information to Town Counsel for further consideration.
10.     The Selectmen approved a request for parking on the Common on May 1st for a church concert, subject to the provision that the ground be sufficiently “dry” to accommodate the parking without damage to the Common.
11.     Mike Hinsley, Lee Larson and Pete Mulvihill appeared before the Selectmen to discuss several fire department related issues including the oil spill clean-up and the installation of water storage structures.  The Selectmen advised that the insurance company and their subcontractors will be taking care of all of the clean-up, so the fire department volunteers won’t need to worry about any of it.  The Selectmen requested that the fire department publicly  present their master plan for water storage structure installations at a planning board meeting.  In the case of the hydrant being installed behind Nichols Hardware, it was determined that a “special exception” was not required and the Zoning Administrator is authorized to issue a building permit for the project.
12.     Chief Field and Emergency Coordinator Ragan will apply for Federal Emergency Assistance funds for the snow events of January and February 2005.
13.     The Selectmen voted by roll call vote to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (e) to consult with counsel.  The Selectmen returned to public session having voted by roll call vote to exempt the non-public session minutes from pubic disclosure.  The Selectmen voted in non-public session to have town counsel contact plaintiff’s attorney.
14.     The meeting adjourned at 10:26 am.
Respectfully submitted,     

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman