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Selectboard Minutes 2005/03/09

Draft:  March 9, 2005
Approved:  March 16, 2005
March 9, 2005

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; Admin. Asst. Carole Bont; Public Wally Ragan.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am.  

1.      The Selectmen approved the minutes of March 2, 2005.
2.      The Selectmen voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into non-public session at 8:05 am under RSA 91-A:3 (d) discussion of pending litigation and (e) discussion of the purchase, sale or lease of real or personal property.
3.      The Selectmen returned to public session at 8:40 am.  The Board voted to hire Margaret Jacobs to do the title work of any possible land acquisitions.  No other actions were taken in non-public session other than voting, by unanimous roll-call vote, to exempt the non-public session minutes from public review.
4.      The Board reviewed the results of the town meeting, including the Pay-As-You-Throw program the purchase of the lights for the center of the town and Lyme Center, and the issue of posting Town Board’s and Committee’s meeting minutes on the town’s web site.
5.      The Board approved the posting of the 2005 ZBA and Planning Board minutes, the Selectman and Conservation Commission minutes from 2004 and 2005.  All town Boards and Committees will be required to send an electronic copy of their minutes to the Selectman’s office for posting.
6.      The Selectmen met with Wally Ragan concerning the Hazard Mitigation Plan.  The Selectmen voted to support the continued work on the Plan as long as no town resources are used.
7.      The following Board assignments were selected for 2005:
a.      Chairman, Pete Bleyler
b.      Recorder, Judy Brotman
c.      Budget Committee, Judy Brotman
d.      Budget Committee (alt.), Dick Jones
e.      Communications Study Committee, Pete Bleyler
f.      Conservation Commission, Dick Jones
g.      Energy Committee, Pete Bleyler
h.      Planning Board, Dick Jones
i.      Planning Board (alt.), Pete Bleyler
j.      Public Works – garage/salt shed, Judy Brotman
k.      Recreation Committee, Dick Jones
l.      Transfer Station Study Committee, Pete Bleyler
8.      The Selectmen voted to put a lien on the Lon Pike estate, and waive interest and penalties to December 31, 2005.
9.      The Selectmen appointed Dina Cutting as Chase Beach Supervisor for the 2005 summer season.
10.     The Selectmen approved raising the fees for Public Hearing notices to $3.00 to cover the costs of postage.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 am.

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman