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Selectboard Minutes 2005/02/23

Draft:  February 23, 2005
 Approved:  March 2,  2005
February 23, 2005

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones and Judy Brotman; Bookkeeper Dina Cutting, Planning & Zoning Administrator Vickie Davis.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am.  

1.      The Selectmen approved the minutes of February 16, 2005.
2.      The Selectmen voted to send the Dowd’s Inn a letter advising them that the Selectmen do not have the authority to grant them permission to violate, or potentially violate, state law – and therefore cannot approve any activity that has the potential to create noise that could be found to be a violation of the pubic nuisance laws (excessive noise).
3.      The Selectmen will forward a copy of last week’s minutes advising Wally Ragan of the Board’s decision to not work on the Hazard Mitigation Plan at this time, due to a lack of funding and staff time.
4.      The Transfer Station Committee will provide an insert for the Town Report on their “Pay As You Throw” proposal.
5.      The Selectmen clarified that the MSW “packer” can take the plastic hay-bale wrapper.  
6.      The Selectmen reviewed the regulations concerning part-time employees and their compensation.  A part-time worker is one who on average works less than 29 hours a week.  
7.      The Selectmen met with Town Clerk and the Town Moderator to review the upcoming Town Meeting and Little Town Meeting.
8.      The Selectmen will be setting up for Little Town Meeting on Tuesday afternoon, March 1st, at 5:30 pm.  The Selectmen will be setting up for Town Meeting on Monday afternoon, March 7th, at 5:00 pm.   
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 am.
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman