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Selectboard Minutes 2005/02/09

Draft:  February 9, 2005
Approved:  February 16, 2005

February 9, 2005

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; Police Chief Pauline Field.    Public:  Lindy & Dave Mather and Robin Leonard.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am.  

1.      The Selectmen and Chief Field signed her 2005 Employment Contract.
2.      The Selectmen approved the public session minutes of February 2, 2005 as corrected.  The Selectmen approved the Non-Public Session minutes of February 2, 2005.
3.      The Selectmen approved the appointment of the following Ballot Clerks:  Jeff Lehmann, Nancy Dwight, Garrett Thrasher, Lee Larson, Donna Anderson, Eleanor Simpson.
4.      The Selectmen appointed Wayne Bates and John Campbell to the Lyme Center Academy Building Committee.
5.      The Selectmen appointed Carola Lea to the History Committee.
6.      The Selectmen approved the following four forest fire wardens (who are appointed by the state):  Alfred Balch, Stephen Erickson, Don Elder, Stephen Maddock.
7.      The Selectmen approved the use of the Lyme Center Academy Building by Kathy Schiffman for Tuesdays from 6:00 – 7:00 and Saturdays from 9:00 – 10:00.  According to the LCAB policy, there will be one deposit with two fees charged for this use for the next 8 weeks.  Ms. Schiffman may be issued a key, to be returned at the end of her approved tenure.
8.      The Selectmen are concerned about the working schedule of the highway department.  Fred will be asked to come in to the Selectmen’s meeting next week to discuss this issue.
9.      The Selectmen reviewed the NH DOT ten-year plan.  The Selectmen will note a request to finish the newly installed guard-rails, and a request to undertake the East Thetford Bridge repair.
10.     The Selectmen signed the Fireworks contract for next year.  (This year’s Fourth of July celebration will be on July 2nd.)
11.     Lindy and Dave Mather came in to discuss the town-owned property signed abutting them on Pinnacle Road.
12.     The Selectmen reviewed and voted to recommend the Warrant Articles 15-26, 28-31 for the upcoming Town Meeting.  The Selectmen reviewed and voted not to recommend Warrant Article 27 (the “50% LUCT to Conservation Fund”).
13.     Robin Model Leonard appeared before the Selectmen to complain about and ask help with the traffic on the eastern portion of the Dorchester Road leading to “the Greens’ ski touring area” in Dorchester.  There is little the Selectmen can do about the use of the road by the public, but suggested that the Greens be asked to post their property as closed near the corner with the Grafton Turnpike when the weather is warm and the road may be impassible to two-wheel drive or vehicles with trailers.
14.     The Selectmen reviewed the Lon Pike estate situation. The Selectmen have received no request for an extension of the payment of real estate taxes, therefore the Selectmen did not grant any further extensions.  The Selectmen recommend the Tax Collector proceed with tax lien on this property.
15.     The Selectmen reviewed the Crossroads Development plan, and unanimously voted to recommend that there be no further development approved at the site until the concerns of  the Conservation Commission are adequately addressed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman