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Selectboard Minutes 2005/01/26

Draft:  January 26, 2005
Approved:  February 2, 2005
January 26, 2005

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler and Judy Brotman; Staff EliseGarrity; Public:  Jane Fant, Chris Schoenenberger.

The Selectmen met at the Lyme Center Academy Building at 8:00 am and voted unanimously by roll call vote to go into Non-Public Session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3, II (a) to consider “the dismissal, promotion or compensation of a public employee….”  

The Selectmen returned to public session at 8:55 am and briefly recessed the meeting to return to the Town Offices.

The Meeting continued at 9:10 am.

1.      Jane Fant appeared before the Board to get the Selectmen’s approval of the placement of a memorial granite bench on the Library lawn, to be donated by the Friends of the Library, to honor Dorcas Chaffee.  Approval was granted.
2.      The Selectmen approved the Minutes of the public session and non-public session of January 19, 2005 as corrected.
3.      The Selectmen approved Ruth Whittemore to be the next recipient of the Boston Post Cane.  A presentation ceremony will be next Thursday, February 3rd, at 4:00 pm at Hanover Terrace.
4.      The Selectmen regretfully accept Doug Vogt’s letter of resignation from the Recreation Commission.
5.      The Selectmen discussed Charlie Balch’s letter regarding town street lights.  Dick will draft a response addressing Mr. Balch’s concerns.
6.      Chris Schoenenberger appeared before the Selectmen to request the Town give permission for the NH Quilt Documentation Project to take a tracing of the town’s quilt pattern(s) for historical purposes.  The Selectmen approved the request on the condition that the pattern remain in the public domain – and not be used for sale-for-profit.
7.      The Selectmen will follow Town Counsel’s advice regarding the wording of the Warrant Article asking the Town to authorize the discontinuance of a portion of Baker Hill Road.
8.      The Transfer Station Committee will be responsible for the annual report to DES.  Vicky Davis will be asked to help the committee with forms completion and flyer composition at their request.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman