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Selectboard Minutes 2004/10/16
Draft:  October 6, 2004
Approved:  October 13, 2004

October 6, 2004

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, and Judy Brotman.  Staff: Carole Bont, Dina Cutting.  Public:  Steve Maddock, Transfer Station Committee chair, Michelle Coutoure, Jonathan Jones, public.

The meeting opened at 8:10 am.

1.      The recessed meeting of September 29th was closed at 8:10 am.  The Selectmen voted by roll call vote to exempt the minutes of the continued meetings on September 30th and October 6th in non-public session.  No other votes were taken in the Non-public session.
2.      Michelle Coutoure updated the Selectmen on the Pumpkin Festival, which will be held on Saturday, October 30th.  The parade will be at 10:00 am.  
3.      The Selectmen approved the Pumpkin Festival for use of the Common.
4.      The minutes of September 29th were approved as corrected.  The minutes of September 30th were approved as corrected.
5.      Judy Brotman moved and Pete Bleyler seconded the motion that Dick Jones be the appointed to conduct the Orford-Lyme perambulation.
6.      The Recreation Commission’s sponsorship of Stephanie Carney’s adult yoga classes at the Academy Building was discussed.  The Selectmen approved the Recreation Commission’s sponsorship of yoga classes to be held at the Academy Building, contingent upon the conditions set forth on the approval form, including evidence of certification to teach yoga and proof of adequate self-insurance.  
7.      Jonathan Jones appeared before the Selectmen to finalize the sale transaction of the “old garage” building.  
8.      Steve Maddock appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the options of the changeover of “vendors” for the Transfer Station.  The Selectmen voted to hire NRRA to recycle the fiber bin, the container bin, and the scrap metal bin; to hire Witcher to remove the MSW, C&D and glass.  This new collection system should alleviate some of the crowding at the transfer station site, and may save the town some expense in the transfer station operation.
9.      Steve also want to mention that Al Pryor has been very instrumental in getting the contacts made and the switchover on line, as well as doing an excellent job both as a committee member and as the head of the transfer station operation.
10.     Steve Maddock also updated the Selectmen on the progress of the Transfer Station Committee.  The Committee is now feeling that it may be possible to leave the Transfer Station at its present site, with some careful redesign of the site and some specific new structure to house the containers.  
11.     The replica Boston Post canes were given to the Selectmen.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to reimburse the Town Clerk for the cost of the canes.  Betty Waterbury is to be the next recipient of the Boston Post cane, and will be the first person given a replica she can to keep.  Arrangements are underway to set a date for the presentation.
12.     The Selectmen have previously approved replacement trees for the Lyme Town Common, to be supplied by the Utility Club.  The Selectmen suggest that the Utility Club contact Sexton Bill Labombard to elicit his help in digging the holes for the trees.
13.     The Selectmen approved the use of the Academy Building for the Baptist Church Bazaar.
14.     The Selectmen approved the land use change tax for Barnes, Map 406/Lot 22, for $3,410; and Glass, Map 407/Lot 84, for $90.
15.     The Selectmen congratulate Assessor Diana Calder on her excellent report from the DRA on her recent town-wide assessment update.
16.     The Selectmen reviewed the Historians’ photo collection policy for preservation and display of both the photographs and artifacts.  The Selectmen approved the policy.
17.     The Pike Trailer situation will be transferred to the Police Department for resolution as abandoned property.
18.     Two legal cases have just been filed against the Town – both concern the Zoning Board’s action on the Stout property.
19.     Elise will do a detail of the Assessment Revaluation for Judy to transmit to the Budget Committee.
20.     Vickie Davis appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the issue of logging roads crossing conservation lands.  Vickie will consult with the State and a forester and Town Counsel before taking further action.
21.     The Selectmen signed the Warrant for the upcoming November 2nd election.
22.     The Selectmen accepted Laura Brannen’s resignation from the Energy Committee and from the Transfer Station Committee.
23.     The Selectmen appointed John Stadler to the Energy Committee at the Committee’s recommendation.

The meeting adjourned at 10:40 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Draft:  September 30, 2004
Approved:  October _, 2004

September 30, 2004

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, and Judy Brotman.  

The recessed meeting opened at 7:03 am

1.      Judy Brotman moved the Selectmen go into non-pubic session under RSA  91-A:3 II (a) and (c) to discuss setting compensation and personnel matters. Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
2.      The Selectmen voted unanimously by roll call vote to close the non-public session and return to public session.  No votes were taken in the non-public session.
3.      At 8:00 am the public meeting was recessed to Wednesday, October 6th at 7:00 am at the Academy Building.  
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman