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Selectboard Minutes 2004/09/15

Draft:  September 15, 2004
Approved:  September 22, 2004

September 15, 2004

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Judy Brotman, Pete Bleyer.  Staff: Carole Bont.
Public:  Michael Hinsley, Fire Chief; Tony Ryan, Lyme Public Works Facility committee; Adair Mulligan, Connecticut River Joint Commissions.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am

1.      Tony Ryan appeared before the Selectmen to review the financial status of the new highway garage project.  It appears that the project will need to use either the $20,000 salt shed allotment for the project (with new funding for the salt shed coming in the 2005 budget) and/or use the $21,833 from the projected first principal and interest payment (not required for the Band Bank loan).  Tony and Dick will continue to revise the numbers for the budget committee meeting tonight.
2.      Adair Mulligan from the Connecticut River Joint Commissions appeared before the Selectmen to request the Selectboard’s support for a DES grant of $20,000.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to support the grant.
3.      The Academy Building Policy revisions are in final draft form.  They will be forwarded to the Academy Building committee for a last review.  
4.      Carole will continue to investigate the legal process for removing the Pike trailer from the Town’s land.  
5.      The Selectmen approved the minutes of August 25, 2004 and September 8, 2004 as corrected.
6.      The Selectmen authorized the funds to replace the office phones from the Selectmen’s miscellaneous budget.
7.      Carole will contact Town Counsel for advice on what the Town’s response should be in the Toner case.
8.      Mike Hinsley updated the Selectmen on the donation of the fire truck to Ecuador   Mike also advised the Selectmen of a radio upgrade in process.  The costs will be $6,000 – Mike is hopeful that the funds can be found from outside of Town funds.  The costs will be $3360 for initial installation, and ½ of $329/month for the phone lines ($164.50).  After July 1, 2005, there will be no monthly charge.
9.      The US Census Bureau report will be filled out.  The contact person will be changed to the Selectmen’s Office, Town of Lyme, rather than a named individual.
10.     This budget cycle the Selectmen should consider changing the amount of elderly and disability exemptions due to the assessment update.  In addition, the Selectmen also want to make sure that Lyme’s citizens know that the Selectmen are able to extend relief in hardship cases.
11.     The Selectmen will ask that the Police add patrolling of the Transfer Station to their work schedule.
12.     The Selectmen approved the use of the Common for the Cantible Concert parking on 11/20 from 7:30 – 9:30 pm; for the Christmas Pageant parking on 12/10 from 6:00- 9:30 pm, 12/11 from 6:00 – 9:30 pm and 12/12 from 3:00-6:30 pm; and for the Full Circle Concert parking on 12/18 from 7:30 – 9:30 pm.
13.     Richard Vidal appeared before the Selectmen to thank the town for its support during the past year while he has been disabled.  
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman