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Selectboard Minutes 2004/09/08
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 8 September 2004

Selectmen Attending: Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler
Public Attending: Fred King, Sallie Ramsden, John Campbell, Don Elder
Staff Attending: Carole Bont

The meeting opened at 8:07 A. M.

Sally Ramsden, John Campbell, and Don Elder came in to discuss proposed changes to the Academy Building Management and Use Policy.  Further changes in the draft policy were discussed, including requiring a deposit and fee of $100 and $25, respectively, for use of the Academy Hall, and deposit/fee of $25/$10 for the main floor meeting room.

The Board appointed William Cranston as Supervisor of the Checklist for the September 14 Primary.

The Board signed the intent to cut application from Paul Hodes, map 403 lot 9.

Road Agent Fred Stearns came in to discuss his plans for carrying out various road projects.

The Board agreed to meet at the School at 5:00 PM (subject to any activities at the School) on September 13, to set up for the Primary.

The Board signed the grant application for two 40-yard containers and one 30-yard container for the Transfer Station.

The meeting adjourned at 9:03 A. M.

        Pete Bleyler