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Selectboard Minutes 2004/08/18

Draft:  August 18, 2004
Approved:  August 25, 2004

August 18, 2004

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones,  Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman, Staff: Elise Garrity, Planning & Zoning Administrator Vickie Davis, Town Clerk Patty Jenks.   Public:  Wallace Ragan, Ray Clark.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am

1.      The Minutes of August 11th were approved as corrected.
2.      Wally Ragan appeared before the selectmen to update the Selectmen on the status of the Emergency Preparedness Plan.  He requested that a Resource Support Officer be appointed.  The Selectmen approved the appointment of the Town Treasurer as Resource Support Officer.
3.      The Selectmen appointed Frank Bowles to the Energy Committee through December 2006.
4.      The Selectmen voted unanimously to continue with the Hanover ambulance service due to the additional support they provide, the level of service provided and the response time provided.
5.      The Selectmen authorized Chair Dick Jones to sign the “polling place” accessibility plan response letter.
6.      The “Electioneering Rules” were unanimously approved.
7.      The Selectmen approved the Assessing Updated.  The Selectmen approved the draft letter for release to the tax payers to be mailed with a copy of the property tax card.  In addition, the Selectmen will draft a memo to accompany the letter and the tax card, which briefly describes the reason for the update and the process used to establish the update.  (This is an analytical update based on the most recent 3 years sales data.)
8.      Ray Clark appeared before the Selectmen.  Ray asked the Selectmen to go into non-public session.  The  Selectmen reviewed the criteria for going into non-public session.  This discussion may affect the reputation of an individual.  The Selectmen deferred to Vickie Davis, as she would be the person affected.  Vickie asked that the meeting be in public session.  Ray stated that he had two reasons for coming to the Selectmen’s meeting, (1) to ask that the Cease & Desist be lifted, and (2) to review the procedures – both the administration of the regulations and the regulations are burdensome and unnecessarily encumbering.
Ray stated he had made an error in overlooking obtaining a building permit before beginning work on his current project, and had received a Cease & Desist, which he is asking the Selectmen to lift.   When questioned, it was established that the lifting of the Cease & Desist will not afford the relief Ray is seeking.  He is really looking for permission to continue working on the new home.  
Ray also discussed his objections to the process of the administration of the regulations.  He would like to see the Selectmen and the Planning Board hold a joint meeting, open to the public, to discuss possible ways to streamline the process.  
The Selectmen advised Ray that neither the Selectmen nor the Zoning Administrator is authorized  to issue a building permit without first having a state approved septic design for the new home.  Ray said given that information, he would withdraw his first request.  
There was further discussion, with the final resolution being that Vickie Davis will review the information she has and send a letter to Ray summarizing those items remaining to be provided to enable the issuance of a building permit.
9.      Patty Jenks met with the Selectmen to discuss the selection of the next recipient of the Boston Post Cane.  The Selectmen unanimously voted to award the cane to Elizabeth Waterbury, based on previously established criteria.  The Selectmen also voted to purchase a replica of the cane, which will be given to the recipient as a memento of the award.  The actual cane, once formally presented, will remain in the custody of the Town.  
10.     The Selectmen’s September 1st meeting will be cancelled.  
11.     The Selectmen signed the request for an extension to file the MS-1.
12.     The Selectmen signed the Intent-to-Cut for Ray Clark, Tax map 406/lot 22.2.
13.     The Selectmen approved the current use penalty tax for Ray Clark, for tax map 406/lot 22.2.
14.     The Selectmen approved the parking permit for the Murphy wedding on September 18th.
15.     The manifest was signed by the Selectmen.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Note:  Future events scheduled for 9/1 will need to be rescheduled.