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Selectboard Minutes 2004/08/04

Draft:  August 4, 2004
Approved:  August 11, 2004

August 4, 2004

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones,  Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman, Staff Carole Bont, Patty Jenks (Town Clerk).  

The meeting opened at 8:00 am

1.      The Minutes of July 28th were approved.
2.      The Minutes of July 21 were approved
3.      The Public Hearing minutes of July 21 were approved.
4.      The Selectmen approved the hiring of Jedidiah Smith as the Transfer Station attendant for 21/2 hours per week at $9.25 per hour.  There will be a $.50 per hour increase when Jedidiah gets his certification.
5.      The awarding of the Boston Post Cane will be discussed next week.
6.      The F450 bill has been received $13,570 will come from the emergency Equipment repair fund.  The balance of approximately $3,000 will come from the Highway Vehicle Maintenance line.
7.      The Selectmen approved the Manifest.
8.      The Selectmen advised Vicky Davis to caution the Planning Board not to discuss pending cases amongst themselves or via e-mail.  The public record should include all received e-mails and other correspondence, and will be available to the public for inspection at the Planning and Zoning Administrator’s office.
9.      The Selectmen approved the Tax Exempt status of  properties previously approved.  The Selectmen will check on the viability of tax exempt status for the A.T. corridor (e.g. if government or Appalachian Trail Conference owned).
10.     Pete Bleyler moved to go into Non-Public Session at 8:40 am under RSA 91-A II (e), to discuss matters of pending litigation.  Judy Brotman seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
11.     The Selectmen returned to public session at 9:35 AM., with the Selectmen voting to initiate a court action depending on a set of circumstances to be verified during the day.
12.     The Selectmen and Patty Jenks discussed the accessibility issues with the town’s polling place.  Many of these issues have already been corrected, the remaining few issues will be corrected in the near future.
13.     The meeting adjourned at 10:05 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman