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Selectboard Minutes 2004/07/14

Draft:  July 14, 2004
Approved:  July 21, 2004

July 14, 2004

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman, Staff Carole Bont, Bill LaBombard, Sexton, and Fred Stearns, Road Agent.  Fred Phillips, David Gernhard & Jim Nichols, Public.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am

1.      The public session minutes of July 7, 2004 were approved as amended.
2.      The non-public session minutes of July 7, 2004 were approved as amended.
3.      Fred Stearns and Bill LaBombard appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the F450 truck.  Attorney Daschbaugh has been contacted, and advised the town of how to sufficiently document the failure to protect the Town’s interest in a potential suit.  The Selectmen approved the “repair” by having a new engine and newly designed filter installed.  The repair will be in excess of $13,000.
4.      The Selectmen voted to authorize Carole to purchase Title Insurance for the Big Rock gift if the cost is under $500.  
5.      The Academy Building Committee is reviewing some policy revisions for use of the Hall and the Meeting Room.  The Selectmen will review the proposed revisions in the next several weeks.
6.      Fred Phillips appeared before the Selectmen to advise them that the Library Friends are looking to have their fall project be the front maple tree restoration.  The Selectmen will be consulted before any decisions are made.
7.      The Selectmen will be reviewing the first half of the fiscal year financial results next week in preparation for the July 28th budget committee meeting.
8.      The Selectmen will be reviewing personnel issues and policies next week.
9.      David Gernhard appeared before the Selectmen to ask them to reconsider their previous week’s decision regarding his proposed Eagle Scout project for the Beach area.  Jim Nichols appeared to answer any fire permit questions.  If the Selectmen approve the project, Jim, as Fire Warden, would issue 1 permit for the season to the Selectmen, for cooking fires at the beach.  Charcoal fires do not require permits.  The specific design of David’s grill would eliminate the need for a disposal area for the coals.  These two grills will replace the open burn pits presently at the beach.  The grills will be theft resistant.   Signs will be a part of the project.  If approved, David will install the grills at the end of the summer.  Daivd does not yet have a mentor for his project, but will look for one.   He will also notify the Chair of the Recreation Commission of his revised project.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the project.
10.      The Selectmen decided against installing a railing on the transfer station steps and relocating the steps.  There will be a tire container delivered to the area before Sunday’s opening.  The Transfer Station Committee is almost ready to change from Northeast Waste to NRRA.
11.     A Q&A piece on police operations is being developed in response to some questions that were raised and should be available soon.
12.     The Selectmen approved the sale of non-perishable, commercially packed food products at the beach as a fund raiser for the school.
13.     The Selectmen reviewed the fire hydrant easements being proposed by Fire Chief Hinsley.  The easement itself needs to be revised.  The Planning Board should have a public hearing on fire hydrant issue.  The Selectmen need to be authorized to accept the easements.  The Selectmen fully support the fire hydrant installations.  
14.     The Selectmen briefly reviewed the Barkers pending suit.  It should be noted that the Selectmen have not been officially served with the suit.  As in all pending suits, the information shared between counsel and selectmen is privileged and will not shared with members of the public or members of the Conservation Committee.  The Chairman of the Conservation Committee will be authorized to speak directly with town counsel in response to counsel’s inquiries.  Otherwise, the Selectmen will initiate all contact with counsel.
15.     The Selectmen have received a complaint about usage of one of our town roads. The Selectmen are prohibited from curtaining usage of Class V roads, and are also prohibited from charging individuals for repairs to Class V roads as a result of their usage.  
16.     The Selectmen approved the use of the Academy Building for the Old Home Day celebration on July 24th with the condition that sufficient people be provided to direct traffic at the event.
17.     The meeting adjourned at 10:12 am.

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman