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Selectboard Minutes 2004/07/07

Draft:  July 7, 2004
Approved:  July 14, 2004

July 7, 2004

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones,  Pete Bleyler, Judy Boatman, Staff Carole Bont, Dina Cutting, Elise Garrity  Public: Michael Hinsley, Sue Blothenburg (PSNH), Denis Kelleman & Carola Lea (Energy Committee),Steve Kessler &  Doug Miner (NH DFL).

The meeting opened at 8:00 am

1.      Pete Bleyler moved to go into Non-Public Sessions under RSA 91-A II (e), to discuss matters of pending litigation.  Judy Brotman seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
2.      The Selectmen returned to public session at 8:55 am. No decisions were made in non-public session.
3.      The Minutes of June 30, 2004 were approved as amended.
4.      The Selectmen approved the Hanover Ambulance Assessment of $16.80 per capita for Hanover FY 2005 (which begins July 1, 2004).  The Selectmen will look into alternative ambulance service over the coming months for next year’s budget.
5.      The Selectmen discussed how to sell the old highway garage and the old fire truck engine #2.  (a)  The Selectmen will seek sealed bids to demolish and removed the old highway garage from the site.  (b)  Fire Engine #2 will be offered for sale by sealed bid.  An alternative may be a donation to a needed town or a third world country.  Chief Hinsley will look into the alternatives.
6.      Sue Blothenburg of PSNH presented the Energy Grant check to Dennis Keller man and Carola Lea of the Energy Committee.  Lyme was one of two communities awarded a grant for studying alternative energy.
7.      The Selectmen approved the use of the Academy Building for Ford Daley for tutoring a special education student.
8.      The tire recycling is a problem.  We no longer have the box truck for storage, but we are continuing to receive tires on Sunday.  Dina will contact Fred to see if he will be willing to have one of the highway workers drive the tires to Wilder for drop off there on a regular basis.
9.      There has been a minor problem at the beach area with an unattended minor child and one ‘insubordinate’ teenager.  The supervisor of the beach will advise the police of the situation for follow-up.
10.     The Selectmen approved the pole license for a section of Pinnacle Road & Davison Lane.
11.     The Selectmen signed the manifest.
12.     The Post Pond water has been tested for the presence of a blue/green algae that appears to be killing fish.  To date, the State has not advised the Town to close the beach or post an advisory about the water.  Chairman of the Conservation Commission and the Barkers have been advised of the testing.
13.     A grandfathered employee is allowed under the Personnel Policy to add an older child to his health insurance policy as long as that child meets the requirements of the insurance policy on dependents and is a full-time student.
14.     Mike Hinsely appeared before the Selectmen to describe the fire departments “ISO” (insurance service office) fire rating upgrade project – the installation of hydrants and water supply throughout the town.  At a minimum, three new hydrants are proposed, in addition to the 1 already installed.  Section 4.56 of the zoning ordinance grants a municipal exemption, under RSA 674:54, of a proposed governmental use of property within its jurisdiction.  Either the governing board or the planning board should hold a public hearing relative to the proposed use at these sites.  The Selectmen suggest the Planning Board hold a public hearing on the proposed use/sites.
15.     A situation has arisen that has an approved part time worker actually working a full time schedule.  Dick Jones moved that the department head be advised that the part time worker is limited to 28 hours a week through the end of August.  The motion carried unanimously. At that time, the Selectmen will review the budget to see what money remains for the rest of the year.
16.      The Selectmen reviewed the remaining web pages.  The projected live date is July 9, 2004.  Text and photo changes will be able to be made after that date, but additional pages will not be able to be added without additional fees.
17.     Steve Kessler and Doug Miner of the State Fire Service appeared before the Selectmen to explain the State’s process of investigating and billing and fining fires.  Especially troubling are the two fires at the Hanoi property.  When the State is finished its investigation, they will report back to the Selectmen with their findings.  They have already determined that the first fire is a “billable fire”.  
18.     The meeting adjourned at 11:40 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Helmut Boatman