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Selectboard Minutes 2004/06/30
Draft:  June 30, 2004
Approved:  July 7, 2004

June 30, 2004

Attending:  Selectmen Dick Jones,  Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman, Staff Carole Bont, Dina Cutting, Elise Garrity, Chief P.Q. Field, Town Clerk Patty Jenks, Road Agent Fred Stearns and Sexton Bill LaBombard.  Public: Fire Warden Jim Nichols, Wayne Pike.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am

1.      The public session minutes of June 23, 2004 were approved as corrected.  The Non-Public Session minutes of June 23, 2004 were approved.
2.      Jim Nichols appeared before the Selectmen to give an update on the Hano fires.  We are waiting for Steve Kessler of the State to assess the situation and advise us on what procedure to follow.  Dina was asked to call Mr. Kessler and ask him, if possible, to attend next week’s Selectmen’s meeting.
3.      Wayne Pike appeared before the Selectmen to request permission to remove some old stumps along the snowmobile trail that goes through the Town Forrest.  Wayne was advised that this issue should be handled by the Conservation Commission. The next meeting is July 5th at 7:30 pm.
4.      The Lyme Center Academy Building Committee has met.
a.      The committee has expended the remaining restoration funds for a curtain restoration and to further modify the heating system.
b.      They are in the process of reviewing the general use policy for the Academy Building.  They are discussing the issues of fees and parking.
c.      The Building Management Committee has asked that John Campbell Jr. be reappointed to the committee (now that he has returned from sabbatical.)  Judy so moved, Pete seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.
5.      The Recreation Committee held its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday.  A quorum was not present, so no business could be officially conducted.  Perhaps it is time for a Town Meeting discussion about the viability of continuing to  have this form of recreation organization.
6.      Dina reported that the Beach program is going well.  The first 911 drill was successfully held yesterday.  The Lyme List e-mail seems to have had very positive results.
7.      The Selectmen discussed the Eagle Scout project being proposed for the beach area.  It is our understanding that neither the Selectmen nor the Recreation Commission gave approval for this project.  The Selectmen feel that we do not wish to encourage fires at the beach (they have been discouraged for several years).  We suggest that the Eagle Scout candidate contact the Recreation Commission, or other appropriate town committee, for an alternate suggestion.
8.      The Big Rock Conservation deed has been reviewed by Town Counsel.  Dick moved that we require the conveying deed be a Warranty Deed.  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  
9.      Fred Strearns and Bill LaBombard appeared before the Selectmen to get an update on the F450 truck emergency repair.  Town counsel has suggested we consult with an attorney who regularly handles this type of situation.  The Selectmen authorized Carole to contact the suggested attorney for an initial conversation.
10.      Pete updated the Board on a possible lot for the new transfer station.  In reviewing all the specifics of the situation, it is the feeling of the Selectmen that this is not a good option for the Town to pursue.
11.     The Dog Warrant was authorized and signed.
12.     The Transfer Station residency requirement was reviewed - as was the Beach and other summer program requirements.  The summer programs have always take non-residents.  The Beach has always allowed guests and visitors who re staying in Lyme – they are asked to sign the guest book when the visit the Beach.  Non-residents who own property in town are allowed to utilize the Beach and other Pond facilities, as well as the Transfer Station (for Lyme generated trash only).
13.     The Selectmen has reviewed the two “Oath of Office” forms and have officially voted to use “Option B” from now on.
14.     The Selectmen signed the appointment form for Anthony Swett as a special police officer for a three year term.
15.     The Selectmen signed the yield tax form for Stuart V. Smith, Tax Map 408/lot11.
16.     The Selectmen signed the Land Use Change Tax for D. & N. Dwight, Tax Map 402 Lot 43.
17.     The Selectmen signed the NH Electric Co-Op pole license as approved by the Road Agent for the Davison Lane.
18.     The Manifest was approved.
19.     The Selectmen reviewed the Treasurer’s memo on the deposit of the bond proceeds at Mascoma Bank.
20.     The Selectmen reviewed the updated DRA Warrant for the 2004 State Education Tax.

21.     The Selectmen discussed the suggestion that some of our more narrow roads be widened to allow trucks to pass on the traveled lane.  Several of the roads in question are scenic roads, and would thus not be able to be widened, and one way traffic is not feasible.  More frequent pull-outs might be able to be constructed on selected sections of these roads.  This will be reviewed again at a later date.  At this time, there are no viable options for this problem.  
22.     The Selectmen authorized Dick Jones to sign the “Parking Committee” letters on behalf of the Board.
23.     The Selectmen moved to waive the fee for the Lyme Center Baptist Church building permit for foundation repairs, because the Church as made their facility available for Town Functions.
24.     The status of the web pages was reviewed.  The project is almost finished, with the exception of a few last technical areas.
25.     The meeting adjourned at 10:25 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman