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Selectboard Minutes 2004/06/23
Draft:  June 23, 2004
Approved:  June 30, 2004

June 23, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman. Staff Attending:  Carole Bont, Elise Garrity, Chief P.Q. Field.

The meeting opened at 8:00 am
Old Business:
1.      The Fire Station “Air Quality Assessment” project is nearing completion.  The air conditioner for the Police Station will be removed from the wall and replaced with a window unit.  When this last item is completed, the project will be complete.
2.      The Recreation Commission has 3 potential new members, which will make  that group at its recommended size.
3.      The Selectmen signed the 90-day extension of the Northeast Waste contract.
4.      The property acquired through tax deed on Pinnacle Road was discussed.  At this time it cannot be transferred to other ownership – but the Selectmen will propose an amendment at Town Meeting which will authorize the sale of Town owned property, acquired through the Tax Deeded Taking process, to individuals “as justice may require” so that the Selectmen have more options to dispose of properties taken by tax deed.
5.      The Tennis sign has been relocated to the Tennis Courts.  The banner post has been cleaned up.  
New Business:
6.      The Public Session Minutes of the June 16th Board of Selectmen meeting were approved as corrected.  The Public Hearing Minutes of June 16th were approved.  The Non-Public Session ( 2 sets) of June 16th Board of Selectmen meeting were approved.
7.      Dick updated the Selectmen on the status of the town Web Site.
8.      At 8:45 am, Judy Brotman moved that the Selectmen go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) [the  dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee…]. Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  On a unanimous roll call vote the motion carried.
9.      The Selectmen returned to Public Session at 8:55 am, having voted to approve a one-time payment for Elise Garrity that is equal to the difference between her current rate of pay and her previous rate of pay, for the six weeks she worked at the old rate, but performed the new duties.  
10.     The Selectmen discussed the Hano Fire situation.  Jim Nichols will be invited  to join the Selectmen next week to update the Board on the specifics of the fires, and the present status of the situation.
11.     The Selectmen discussed the posting of Mr. Hano’s land, along Davis Lane, and agreed it was legal.  Although the road is a Class V road, and public access is allowed, the land on both side of the road is private and is allowed to be posted.
12.     Chief Field appeared before the Selectmen to present her choice for a part time / special officer.  The individual is already qualified as a part time office, and working in another town in that capacity.  Part time officers are limited to a total of 1300 hrs per year.  The new officer, if approved, will have to track his hours to be sure the 1300 limit is not exceeded.  Chief Field is proposing utilizing the part time officer for special events (such as the 4th of July celebration), and to cover some vacation time.  The pay for the part time / special officer is $13 / hour, with no benefits, including no holiday pay.  However, as specified by federal law, if the part time officer works more than 40 hours in any 1 week pay period, the officer will be entitled for overtime pay.  The Selectmen approved the hiring of Anthony D. Swett on the conditions set forth above.
13.     The Selectmen approved parking on the Common on July 10th for the Prouty event.
14.     The Selectmen approved the 8th grade Raffle.
15.     The Selectmen signed the Manifest.
16.      The Selectmen approved the draft “rules reminder” for the Beach, for the publication in the Lyme List and the Church Newsletter.
17.     An Eagle Scout candidate is requesting donations for up to 3 “fire pit” units for Chase Beach for cookouts.  The Selectmen took no action on this issue.
18.     The Selectmen will look into the situation of a part time employee working more than the allotted hours.   
19.     The repair of the F450 is still unresolved.
20.     The Communications Committee is now meeting every other week on Tuesday at 8:15 am at the Fire House.  The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 6th.
21.     The Selectmen will draft a letter to be sent out via the Lyme List Serve, church newsletter and the Web Page, concerning recommendations made by the Parking Study Committee.
22.     The meeting adjourned at 9:35 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman