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Selectboard Minutes 2004/06/09
Draft:  June 9, 2004
Approved:  June 16, 2004
As corrected

June 9, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman
Staff Attending:  Dina Cutting, Elise Garrity

New Business:
1.      The minutes of the June 2nd Board of Selectmen meeting were approved.
2.      The minutes of the June 2nd Non-Public Session of the Board of Selectmen meeting were approved.
3.      The Selectmen approved the wage scale and hiring criteria for the Life Guards and WSI personnel for the summer beach programs.
4.      The Selectmen approved the Chase Beach Activity Supervisor job description and wage and hour criteria.  
5.      The Selectmen approved the Chase Beach operation concepts.
6.      Dick Jones moved that the Selectmen go into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3 II (a) [the dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee…].  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously.
7.      The Selectmen returned to public session at 8:27 am.  The Recreation Director will be invited to attend the next Selectmen’s meeting.
8.       Dick Jones moved that the Selectmen declare Friday, June 11th, a Legal Holiday in accordance with the federal government’s declaration of a national day of mourning to honor former President Ronald Reagan.  Judy Brotman seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.
9.       Pete Bleyler updated the Selectmen on the Transfer Station’s status:   
a.      The Selectmen confirmed their previous voted to contract with NRRA for all the recycling collection, and to contract with NE Waste for solid waste collection (the packer).  At the present time the C&D and Tire disposal is not resolved.  This should reduce recycling costs by about $13,000 for the year.  All fibers will be combined, all glass will be combined, and all plastic, tin and aluminum containers will be combined.
b.      The Transfer Station Committee has visited several other transfer stations over the state to see how they operate.  Most have many more hours of operation, including more full time personnel, have their own packer on site, and have a per bag payment system for the solid waste.
c.      The Transfer Station Committee will be putting together an educational flyer as a hand out to help introduce the townspeople to the new system.
d.      No new policy will be instituted at this time.  The Town will order a new supply of vehicle window stickers for this year.  A new policy will be developed for discussion at next year’s Town Meeting.
e.      There is no change to the Tire policy yet.  At present we are working on finding another disposal contractor for the tires we have accepted (the previous company is no longer in business).  
10.     The Selectmen signed two appointments to the Energy Committee, Tina Cullenberg and Tim Hunton.
11.     The Selectmen signed a supplemental Intent to Cut for T. and K. Green,          Map 406, lot 15.
12.     The Selectmen approved the re-formatting of the proposed Recreation Area By-law.  The proposal will be e-mailed to the Recreation Commission members and the Conservation Commission members for their review prior to the public hearing.
13.     The Selectmen signed the CCI contract.
14.     The Selectmen approved the Historic Agricultural Buildings Easement checklist revision.
15.     The Town Web Pages discussion continued.  The goal is to have the web site up and running by the end of June.
16.     The Selectmen approved the use of the Academy Building for Tai Chi classes on Wednesdays from 6-7:45 pm in July, August and September.  These classes have been sponsored by the Recreation Commission.
17.     The Pole license was approved for Pout Pond/Cline Road area.
18.     The Manifest was approved.
19.     The Conservation Commission has recommended that the Selectmen not sign the Petition to have NHDES take control of setting the water level at Post Pond.  Dick Jones moved that the Selectmen not sign the petition.  Judy Brotman seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously with Jones and Brotman voting for the motion.  Selectman Bleyler was absent for the vote.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman