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Selectboard Minutes 2004/06/02
Draft:  June 2, 2004
Approved:  June 9, 2004

June 2, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman
Administrative Assistant:  Carole Bont
Others Attending:  Dina Cutting, Elise Garrity, Michelle Couture, Maggie West, Fred Stearns and Bill Labombard.

New Business:
1.      The minutes of the May 26th Board of Selectmen meeting were approved.
2.      The minutes of the Public Hearing were approved.
3.      Michelle Couture, Dina Cutting and Maggie West met with the Selectmen to discuss the Beach organization and the camp program.
a.      The Pond Program will be held for three weeks, from July 5 through July 23, from 10 am – 12:30 pm, Monday through Friday.  The cost will be $50 per week, per child, with scholarships available.  There will be a $10 late fee charged to anyone applying after camp has started.  As a part of the camp, Red Cross swim lessons are given.  Counselors must be 14 years of age, have their parents’ written permission, and have school work papers.  These counselors become temporary town employees.
b.      Michelle will be authorized by the Selectmen to have an account that is billed to the Town for ordering camp supplies.
c.      The Beach/Lifeguard program is being set up currently.  The Beach will be open from 10 am – 5pm, 7 days a week.  The lifeguards will be hired to work from 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, with rotating shifts.  Two lifeguards will be on duty at all times.  
d.      Maggie and Michelle and Dina recommend a Waterfront Director be hired to oversee the beach program.  This person should be WSI certified, as well as a certified Lifeguard, CPR and First Aid certified.  The main responsibility of the Waterfront Director is the supervision of the lifeguards and seeing that the beach is staffed and operated safely.  This person must be accessible to the life guards at all times, and must be visible at the beach on a regular basis.  The recommendation is for 180 hours over the 8 weeks the beach is officially open – 4 weeks at 15 hrs/wk, and 4 weeks at 30 hrs/week.  The duties of the Waterfront Director should be removed from the Recreation Director’s responsibility.  A written proposal will be forthcoming shortly.
4.      Fred Stearns and Bill LaBombard met with the Selectmen to discuss the 2000 model F450 truck engine failure.  It appears that this is a defect of the installation, by Ford, of the International diesel engine.  Fred knows of at least two other town highway department trucks with the same set-up that have had the same problem.  Town counsel will be consulted on the appropriate action to take to get a replacement engine.  Until we have a resolution, the truck will stay at Flanders & Patch.
5.      Dick Jones moved, and Peter Bleyler seconded, that the Gift and Grant Policy be approved.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the policy.  Carole noted that the Police Chief had expressed concern over having the Town office receive and track the gifts and grants, feeling that they are capable of tracking their own awards.  The Selectmen acknowledged this opinion, but declined to change the policy.  
6.      Pete Bleyler will update the Selectmen on the proposed Transfer Station Policy at next week’s meeting.
7.      The Selectmen are working on the Academy Building Use Policy, and hope to have a draft version for consideration at next week’s meeting.  The members of the Yoga Class have been advised that the Selectmen are working on a revision to the policy, which may provide for expanded use of the building.
8.      A public hearing will be scheduled for June 16, 2004 at 9:00 am, to discuss the “Town Recreation Area By-Law” - a policy which will regulate the access areas at Town boat landings.
9.      With regard to a new contract for the Transfer Station recycling collection and solid waste disposal, it was a sense of the Board that a contract be signed with NRRA for the recycling operation, and with NEWaste for the solid waste collection (the packer).
10.     The Town Web site continues to grow and be developed.  Dick and Elise are continuing to add department information to our site.  
11.     The Selectmen approved the contract with CCI.
12.     Judy Brotman moved and Dick Jones seconded the motion to appoint the 3 members of the Board of Selectmen as fence viewers for the Town of Lyme.  The viewers will act only on a written compliant.  The report of the viewers is binding on the property owners.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the motion.
13.     The Selectmen voted unanimously to accept the Small Historic Barn Easement.
14.     The Selectmen approved revisions to the Historic Barn checklist, which will be used for future Historic Barn Preservation requests.
15.     Judy Brotman moved that the Selectmen reconsider the Women’s Tennis sign on the common.  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  After a brief discussion of the issue, the Selectmen voted unanimously to uphold their previous decision that the sign is not allowed and must be removed.  (It was removed after the first request from the Selectmen.)
16.     Dick Jones moved and Pete Bleyler seconded the motion to approve the planting proposal and accept the gift from the Utility Club of 12 Golden Spirea for the war memorial.  Motion voted unanimously.
17.     The Selectmen approved the use of the common for the Independence Day Celebration.
18.     Dick Jones proposed to the Selectmen that it had been suggested to him that a Gazebo should be built on the Common.  The Selectmen discussed the pros and cons of the suggestion, and decided that they did not feel it appropriate to pursue a Gazebo on the common at this time.
19.     A public hearing is scheduled for June 9th at the Conservation Commission meeting to discuss the addition of specific standard details to the existing “beaver” (pond level) policy.
20.     Dick Jones moves to accept the PSNH Grant to the Energy Committee (for weather measuring equipment, to be used for a school project).  Judy Brotman seconded the motion.  Motion voted unanimously.
21.     The Manifest was approved and signed.
22.     The Selectmen signed the Permit to Display Fireworks contract.  
23.     Dina updated the Selectmen on the Independence Day Committee work. They have met with Chief Field and Chief Hinsley.  The Boat landing and the Beach Parking lot will be closed all day on the day of the fireworks (July3).  There will be parking on the ball field.
24.     The Selectmen approved and signed the intent to cut for Dartmouth College, Map 414/L58 (Skiway maintenance).
25.     The Selectmen approved and signed the yield tax assessment for  Janet Baker of $169.87.
26.     Dick Jones moved that the Selectmen go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and/or (c).  Judy Brotman seconded the motion.  By unanimous roll call voted the selectmen approved the motion. The Selectmen voted unanimously to return to public session at 10:53 am.
The meeting adjourned at 10:54 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman