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Selectboard Minutes 2004/05/26
Draft:  May 26, 2004
Approved:  June 2, 2004

MAY 26, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones,  Judy Brotman
Staff: CaroleBont, Dina Cutting, Elise Garrity
Public:  Steve Maddock

The Selectmen’s regularly scheduled meeting opened at 8:00 am.

New Business:

1.      The Public Minutes of May 19 were approved.  The Non-Public Minutes of May 19 were approved as corrected.
2.      The Manifest was approved and signed.
3.      The Police Department page for the new Town Web Site was approved.
4.      The Town Beach details were reviewed and discussed.  The Recreation Commission recommended that the Jr. Life Guards be paid at a rate of $7.50 per hour this year.  They recommended that the Senior Life Guards be paid $9.50 per hour this year, with the Head Life Guard being paid $10.50 per hour this year.  A WSI certified Life Guard is recommended to be paid $12.00 per hour while teaching swim classes.  The Beach will be set up on Saturday, June 12.  The Beach will open on Sunday, June13.  The Beach hours are recommended to be 9 to 5 this year.    This information will be reviewed and finalized next week.
5.      The use of the Academy Building by the yoga class was revisited.  Until the current policy is revised, a for-profit organization is not allowed to use the building under the current policy.
6.      Steve Maddock appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the merits of the two proposals for our Transfer Station and solid waste collection for the next year.  Both the NRRA and NEWaste proposals show savings over the 2003 budget amount of this line item.  The proposal presented by Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) shows a net savings over our 2003 costs of $16,523.  The Board authorized Steve, as Chairman of the Transfer Station Committee, to follow up with NRRA and NEWaste to resolve a few outstanding issues.  A final decision on the final contract will be made next week by the Board of Selectmen.
7.      The Public Hearing, to authorize the bonds and approve the loan agreement between the New Hampshire Municipal Bond Bank and the Issuer (the Town of Lyme, New Hampshire), was opened at 9:05 am.
8.      Dick Jones moved to authorize the Selectmen to approve the bonds and the loan agreement between the New Hampshire Municipal bond Bank and the Issuer (the town of Lyme, New Hampshire).  Judy Brotman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
9.      The regular Selectmen’s meeting resumed at 9:15am.
10.     Patty Jenks appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the Transfer Station Decal status.  New decals will be ordered when the final decision is made about the Transfer Station operation.
11.     Patty also passed along a request from Crossroads Academy for some town space for storage of their records.  The Selectmen will send a letter to Crossroads advising them that the Town does not have any space available, even for the Town’s needs.
12.     There is presently a situation that requires three active fence viewers to mediate.  Presently there are not three fence viewers that are able or willing to act.  In the absence of available fence viewers, the Selectmen will assume the responsibilities and duties of the fence sitters.  The Selectmen will act in this capacity when they receive a written complaint.
13.     The recent correspondence between the Conservation Commission and Judy Barker was reviewed.  The policy that was established by the Conservation Commission last year was reviewed.  Town Counsel was consulted on several questions of the Selectmen.  Dick Jones, as the Selectman’s representative to the conservation Commission will discuss the policy and the current situation with the Conservation Commission at their upcoming meeting.
14.     George Evarts’ Intent-to-Cut request for Map 421/lot 21 was approved.
15.     Alfred Balch’s Intent-to-Cut request for Map 415/lot 30 was approved.
16.     The supplemental property tax warrant for G. Finley, map 414/lot 29, was signed.
17.     The IRS Conservatin Easement form for K & D Hewitt was signed.
18.     The Selectmen signed the Vt. Municipal Tax Exemption Certification.
19.     Bill Labombard was authorized to remove the remaining bushes behind the memorial at the head of the common.  The Utility Club will replant this area as their beautification project for this year.  
20.     The meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman
Draft:  May 26, 2004
Approved:  June 2, 2004

MAY 26, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Judy Brotman
Staff: CaroleBont

Public Hearing:

1.      The Public Hearing, to authorize the bonds and approve the loan agreement between the New Hampshire Municipal Bond Bank and the Issuer (the Town of Lyme, New Hampshire), was opened at 9:05 am.
2.      Dick Jones moved to authorize the Selectmen to approve the bonds and the loan agreement between the New Hampshire Municipal bond Bank and the Issuer (the town of Lyme, New Hampshire).  Judy Brotman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
3.      The public hearing closed at 9:15am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman
Next week:

Update on JLSB discussion with Anne Hartman re:  tennis sign.
NPS request  by JLSB
Update on CC/Beaver policy/situation
Beach/Lifeguard recommendations