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Selectboard Minutes 2004/05/19
Draft:  May 19, 2004
Approved:  May 26, 2004

MAY 19, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Judy Brotman
Staff: Dina Cutting, Elise Garrity

The Selectmen’s regularly scheduled meeting opened at 8:00 am.

Action Items:

1.      The minutes of May 12 were approved as corrected.
2.      The Manifest was approved and signed.

New Business:
3.      A letter from Anne Hartman has been received concerning the removal of the Ladies Tennis sign from the common.  Judy will call Anne and explain to her that this violates a regulation which only allows temporary banners and signs to be located on the common, and then only for one week preceding a one-time event, with removal taking place immediately following the event.  
4.      The WHIP Grant from NRCS for the Chaffee Sanctuary maintenance has been received and will be forwarded on to Lee Larson for the Conservation Commission to use.
5.      Yield taxes were approved for:
i.      Dartmouth College, Map 414, lots 58 and 61.1 for $367.13
ii.     Katherine Perkins, Map 409, lot 67, for $1,013.84
6.      The assessment of a Land Use Change Tax was approved for John and Brenda Gallagher, Map 411, lot 1, in the amount of $6,980.00.
7.      The use of the common for the Nursery School was approved.
8.      Additional Town Web Pages were approved.
9.      Dick Jones moved to go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A, III (a) and/or (c).  Judy Brotman seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, the vote was unanimous.  The Selectmen went into Non-Public session at 8:20 am.
May 19, 2004

10.     The Selectmen returned to public session at 8:30 am, having voted by a unanimous roll call vote to exempt the minutes of the Non-Public Session from public inspection.
11.     The Selectmen approved the Intent-To-Cut for Peter Tausonovitch, on Map 405, lot 302 (River Road).
12.     The Selectmen will have a notice of next week’s meeting formally posted in 3 public places in order to hold a public hearing for the purpose of declaring the Town’s intent to authorize the Selectmen to sign the bond commitment for a NH Bond Bank loan.
13.     The meeting adjourned at 8:42 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman