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Selectboard Minutes 2004/04/28
 Draft Minutes:  April 30, 2004
Approved:  May 5, 2004

APRIL 28, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Chair; Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman
Public Attending:  Jim Nichols, Lynn Fusco & Todd Gammell (Northeast Waste Co.), Simon Carr, Annettte Lorraine (Upper Valley Land Trust), Lee Larson.
Staff Attending:  Carole Bont, Vickie Davis, Elise Garrity

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Selectmen opened at 8:00 am.

New Business:

1.      The Minutes of April 21, 2004 were approved.
2.      The Town’s Attorney has reviewed the Gifts and Grant Policy.  The Selectmen will now forward the policy to the appropriate department heads for their comments.
3.      Jim Nichols appeared before the Selectmen to ask how to handle the reimbursement for the out of state responders to the recent fire on Washburn Hill road.  The Selectmen suggested the Jim let the other responding fire departments know that if the Town collects from the individual responsible for the fire, then the other departments will be reimbursed.  If the Town does not collect from the individual, then there will be no reimbursement.
4.      Jim Nichols also inquired about the proper way to effect the receipt of the grant monies for new equipment.  The Selectmen advised Jim that the Town would advance the money for the initial expenditure, and then the grant money would be given to the Town for reimbursement.
5.      The Selectmen continued their Web page discussions.  The Board of Selectmen will approve each department page as it is submitted, and encourage departments to submit photos that are relevant to their mission.
6.      The Selectmen met with Lynn Fusco and Todd Gammell from Northeast Waste to review our present contract.  Simon Carr was present from the Transfer Station committee.  NEWaste will try to review our present set-up to see where they can help the Town lower costs and gain efficiency.  Some immediate suggestions include combining paper and cardboard into one container, and combining the glass collection.
7.      The Selectmen reviewed the job descriptions for the highway department.  Dick will go over these with Fred.
8.      Dick Jones move to authorize Judy Brotman and Mike Smith (or an other appropriate member of the Lyme Facilities Committee) to examine alternative financing methods for the new highway garage project.  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
9.      Annette Lorraine of the Upper Valley Land Trust, and Lee Larson, from the Conservation Commission, appeared before the Selectmen to finalize the transfer of the Tout Pond area easement and the Big Rock area deed.  Changes have been made to the documents at the Town’s Attorney’s recommendation.  
Dick Jones moved that the Town grant a Conservation Easement on the former Shelby property to The Upper Valley Land Trust.  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
The Big Rock title search update has not been finalized yet, so this transfer is not yet ready to be executed.
10.     Dick updated the Board on the status of the Recreation Commission.  There are presently 3 vacancies on the Commission.  There continue to be some member conflicts, which may be affecting membership.  The summer beach program is beginning to firm up.  The docks and float are schedule to be put out on June 12th, with the beach opening the following weekend.  The lifeguards have yet to be hired, but will be Town Employees.  Supervision at the Pond needs to be finalized.
11.     Vickie Davis appeared before the Board to give an update on the Tausanovitch situation.
12.     Judy discussed the deteriorating situation at the Lon Pike property.  The estate is in probate, with 4 heirs.  Dick Jones moved to take no action on this property at this time.  Peter Bleyler seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.  Carole will contact the Municipal Association to see what options may be available in this situation and report back to the Board.
Administrative Matters:
13.     The manifest was approved.
14.     Yield Tax Warrants were signed for:  Allan & Cynthia Stam, Map 410, lot 57, for $1,454.12; for Kimberly & Breck Taylor, Ma 406, lot 36, for $85.52; and for Nils P. Johnson, Jr., Map 402, lot 18.1 for $687.91.
15.     The Board declined to formally vote to support the North Country Resource & Development Area, Inc. proposal.
16.     The Board authorized Dick to be the point person for the Upper Valley Land Trust town survey.
17.     Carole was asked to schedule a public hearing for the acceptance (and expenditure) of the gifts and donations for the energy committee fundraising effort for the new highway facility.
18.     The public hearing for the historic barn easements will be next Wednesday, May 5th.
19.     The Lyme Common District Parking Committee will meet with the Selectmen in two weeks, on Wednesday, May 12th.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman