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Selectboard Minutes 2004/04/21
 Draft Minutes:  April 23, 2004
Approved: April 28, 2004

APRIL 21, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Chair; Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman
Public Attending:  Wally Ragan, Peter Tausanovich, Bill LaBombard
Staff Attending:  Dina Cutting, Vickie Davis, Elise Garrity

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Selectmen opened at 8:00 am.

Action Items:
1.      The Minutes of April 14, 2004 were approved as corrected.
2.      The Board gave permission to Bill LaBombard to remove the two overgrown evergreens at the east end of the common.  The Monument will be cleaned up following their removal.
Old Business:
3.      Police and Fire Building Air Quality Assessment is proceeding.
4.      The Board reviewed the second draft of the Gift and Grant Policy.  The draft policy will be forwarded to Town Counsel for review before further action.
5.      Wally Ragan appeared before the Board to request Selectmen approval for a Grant for 7 mobile two-way radios to come from the Homeland Security funds.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the grant.
6.      The Board continued discussions of the new Town web page.
7.      Peter Tausanovitch appeared before the Selectmen to discuss his situation with the parcel of land he owns on River Road, which was approved by the Lyme Planning Board in a subdivision approval in 1995-1996.  
Judy Brotman moved to reconsider the discussion of allowing a temporary mobile home/trailer on the site during the construction of the home.  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  Discussion revolved around Section 4.41 of the Adopted Zoning Ordinance, which states that there can only be 1 principal building on a lot.  The temporary mobile home would be the principal building until such time as the home is finished and occupied.  Permission to allow the temporary mobile home will be conditioned on the owner’s guarantee that the mobile home will be removed within 30 days of the completion and/or occupancy of the new home, with a maximum use of two years for the mobile home.  Mr. Tausanovitch verbally agreed to these conditions, and agreed to submit a letter stating his concurrence with these conditions.  The Board unanimously voted in favor of this motion.  
Dick Jones moved to allow the property owner to construct a new home in the designated building area, which is shown on the original approved subdivision plan as not being agricultural soils, (with all other requirements for a building permit needing to be met).  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  The Board unanimously voted in favor of this motion.
Draft Minutes:  April 23, 2004
Approved: April 28, 2004
8.      The Board, at a future meeting, will draft and later formalize, a policy concerning how the Town will treat applications for permits that rely on a Town Board’s grant of subdivision or zoning approval, where the original information provided for that decision is later found to be in error.
9.      The “Use of Transfer Station” draft was discussed.  Pete will take Board comments back to the committee.
10.     The Board voted to appoint Judy Brotman as the Board representative for the purpose of meeting with the USDA representatives in Concord concerning the funding for the new highway facility.
Administrative Matters:
11.     Current Use administrative changes were approved for Emlen on Map 407, lots 74 & 85p; and Whittington on Map 415, lot 13.
12.     An Intent to Cut was approved for Stout on Map 409, lot 15.
13.     Payment for the fire station upgrades for air exhaust and roof repairs were approved.
14.     The manifest was approved.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman