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Selectboard Minutes 2004/04/14
Draft:  April 14, 2004
Approved:  April  21, 2004

APRIL 14, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman
Staff: Dina Cutting
Public:  Bill LaBombard, Bill Vigneault(Pike Industries)

The Selectmen’s regularly scheduled meeting opened at 8:00 am.

Action Items:

1.      The Manifest was approved and signed.
2.      The minutes of April 7 were approved as corrected.

Old Business:
3.      The Police & Fire Building Air Quality/new roof project continues.
4.      The Conservation lots known as “Big Rock” and the “Shelby Lot” have had their metes and bounds descriptions checked.  The other work continues to prepare for acceptance by the Town.l
5.      Northeast Waste Services will meet with the Selectmen on Wednesday, April 28th.

New Business:
6.      Pete Bleyler moved to reconsider the Academy Building use for the Democratic Party Fund raiser.  Judy Brotman seconded the motion.  Motion carried with a vote of 2 in favor (Bleyler, Brotman) and 1 opposed (Jones).  Pete Bleyler explained his reasoning for reconsidering the vote.  The Academy Building policy says fund raisers are allowed with the Board of Selectmen approval.  We are all non-partisan, allowing the use of the Academy Building by a political party does not endorse that party.  These same groups use the Library and the School.  Pete Bleyler moved to approve the use of the Academy Building by political parties.  Judy Brotman seconded.  Motion carried with a vote of 2 in favor (Bleyler, Brotman)  and 1 opposed (Jones).
7.      Bill LaBombard appeared before the Selectmen to ask permission to clean up the monument on the East end of the Common.  The clean-up will include some serious pruning of the existing shrubs, and possible removal of several of the overgrown bushes.  Bill was advised to consult with the Utility Club concerning some replanting of the area.  Dina will do some research into the original purchase/donation of the bushes.
8.      The Planning Board has recommended a municipal exemption for the highway garage project.  Dick Jones moved to grant a municipal exemption to the new Public Works Facility from the Town’s land use ordinances and regulations.  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.
Administrative Matters:
9.      The Dowd’s Country Inn outdoor functions request(s) was approved as submitted.
10.     Wetlands training, within the approved budget, was approved for the Planning/Zoning Administrator.
11.     A supplemental Intent-to-Cut was approved for K. Perkins.
12.     Yield Tax was assessed on T. & K. Green.
13.     The reappointment of Jim Nichols as a Forest Fire Warden and the assistant wardens was approved.
14.     The Selectmen approved the appointment, by the Planning Board, of Jesse Seaman to Planning Board alternate.
15.     The Communications Committee has approved the charge as written.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the charge.  David Avey has been elected chair of the committee.  The meetings will be held on Tuesdays, in the Fire Station, at 7 am (except that for the next three weeks the meetings will be held at 8 am).  
The Highway Paving Project Bid Opening (9 am):
16.     Frank Whitcomb bid:  Job #1 was $.43/sq. yd , $5,448.96 total; Job #2 was $37.80/ton , $73,899 total.  No bid for Job #3.
17.     All States Asphalt bid:  Job #1 was $.78/ sq. yd. , $9,884.16 total.  No bid for Job #2 or Job #3.
18.     Blacktop bid:  No bid for Job #1.  Job #2 was $39.49/ton , $79,679.80 total; Job #3 was $33.50/ton.
19.     Pike bid:  Job #1 was $.54/sq. yd. , $6,842.88 total; Job #2 was $36.49/ton , $73,892.25 total; Job #3 was $32/ton.
20.     Judy Brotman moved that the town award all 3 jobs to Pike.  Pete Bleyler seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:13 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman