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Selectboard Minutes 2004/04/07
Draft:  April 7, 2004
Approved:  April 14, 2004

Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
April 7, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Judy Brotman
Public: Harvey Brotman, Mike Walker (Virtual Town Hall)
Staff:  Elise Garrity

The Selectmen’s meeting re-convened at 7PM.

1.      Mike Walker gave a brief presentation and answered numerous questions about his company, Virtual Town Hall and the services they offer.
2.      Dick Jones moved that the Selectmen contract with Virtual Town Hall for a Town of Lyme web site, utilizing web kit #6 format.  Judy Brotman seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.
3.      The contract was signed by both Selectmen.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman
Draft:  April 7, 2004
Approved:  April 14, 2004

Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
April 7, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman
Staff: Dina Cutting, Vickie Davis, Elise Garrity

The Selectmen’s regularly scheduled meeting opened at 8:00 am.

The Selectmen moved to go into Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II C at 8:27 am.  Voting in favor:  Jones, Bleyler, Brotman.  The Selectmen returned to public session at 8:45 am.  Voting in favor:  Jones, Bleyler, Brotman.  The Selectmen voted in Non-Public Session that a member of the Selectboard is directed to counsel a Town committee member on carefully choosing comments to be delivered in a public meeting.

Action Items:

1.      The Manifest was approved and signed.
2.      The minutes of March 26 and March 31 were approved.
3.      Ben Hudson has resigned from the Conservation Commission.
4.      Cynthia Bognolo was appointed to the Transfer Station Committee.

Old Business:
5.      The Police & Fire Building Air Quality/new roof project is underway.
6.      The Pinnacle Road “shack” will be used by the Fire Department as a demolition exercise.  Chair Jones is authorized to e-mail Chief Hinsley with permission.
7.      The Selectmen voiced support for the Zoning Administrator’s enforcement action – to send a Cease & Desist for the A. Peters property on Canaan Ledge Lane.
8.      The Selectmen signed the Tausonvitch tax deed letter, setting a final tax receipt date before the town exercises its right to take the property by tax deed..  The Tax Collector and the Mortgage holder will be copied on the letter.

New Business:

9.      The Transfer Station committee is reviewing options for alternative service.  A meeting with Northeast Waste Services will be scheduled for the April 21st Selectboard meeting.
10.     The Animal Emergency Rescue survey will be forwarded to our Emergency Planner, W. Ragan, for completion.
11.     The Selectmen reviewed the request by the Lyme Democratic Party to use the Lyme Center Academy Building for a fund raising event.  Dick Jones moved that the request be disapproved, based on the fact that this was a partisan fundraising event – and Town government is a non-partisan body.  Judy Brotman seconded the motion for discussion purposes.  The motion carried on a vote of 2 to 1, Jones and Brotman voting in favor, Bleyler voting against.
12.     Yield Tax Warrants were discussed.  Dick Jones moved that the Yield Tax calculation will be based on the mill slips, if they are turned in at the time of the report of cut filing.  If the mill slips are turned in later, or are not turned in, then yield taxed will be assessed based on the Town’s assessing guidelines.  The Selectmen voted unanimously to support the motion.
13.     Timber Tax warrants were approved for Balch and Bollinger.
14.     Elise Garrity was asked to ensure that the Pinnacle Road shed is photographically documented before it is demolished.
15.     Routine Special Reports generated by office staff will be charged a $20 fee.  
16.      The Selectmen received copies of the Post Pond and Trout Brook Flood Study.  The Conservation Commission will not recommend the installation of a beaver pond leveler.
17.     The Boy Scout campsite (town forest) reservation form is being drafted.  The Selectmen’s office will schedule use of the campsite, and ensure that a fire permit is issued for each user.
18.     The Conservation Commission recommends the following, concerning the 12.82 acre gift to the Big Rock Nature Area, an updated title search, Town of Lyme ownership, wording concerning arbitration to mirror other Lyme conservation holdings language, metes and bounds description to be checked locally, Town to be responsible for any waster or hazardous waste after Town takes ownership, and acceptance of the gift by the Town of Lyme.
19.     The Communications Study Committee will hold its first meeting next Tuesday morning.
20.     The Parking Study Committee will be meeting within the next week or two.

The meeting recessed to 7PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman