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Selectboard Minutes 2004/05/12
Draft:  May 17, 2004
Approved: May 19, 2004
As corrected

Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
May 12, 2004

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman
Staff:  Carole Bont, Dina Cutting, Elise Garrity, Chief Field
Public:  Steve Edson Geiger, GaryThrasher, Earl Strout, Tony Ryan, Carola Lea, Chris Schonenberger, Claudia Kern, Maggie West

1.      The Lyme Common District Parking Study Committee updated the Selectmen on the findings.  They have a list of nine recommendations.  They specifically recommend to the Committee that the Town create an additional 6 parking spaces behind the Library/Town Office building for staff parking.  The Committee will draw up a sketch of the recommended concept. The Selectmen will have a meeting with the abutters to the property to review the proposed new parking area. The Committee will be invited to sit with the Selectmen at the meeting.
2.      The minutes of May 5th (both sets)  were approved.
3.      The intent to cut for Thomas and Kathryn Green, Map 406, lot 15, was approved.
4.      The two Forest Fire bills were reviewed.  The Town must wait for the Forest Ranger to finish his investigation of the cause of the fires before any action can be taken to collect for fire fighter services.
5.      The manifest was signed.
6.      The Bond Bank application has been received and accepted.
7.      The Selectmen moved to open a Public Hearing on the Gifts and Donation Fund for the new highway facilities energy enhancements at 9:02 am.  The Public Hearing was closed at 9:10 am, the Selectmen having voted to authorize the expenditure of the funds raised in the Gifts and Donation fund.
8.      The Selectmen reviewed the Historic Agricultural Structure Discretionary Easements.
a.      Richard and Sallie Ramsden, Map 405, lot 44, 122 Breck Hill Road, were granted a 40% easement on their barn;
b.      Bernard and Frances Tullar, Map 404, lot 11, 161 North Thetford Road, were granted a 60% easement on their barn;
c.      Fred and Catherine King, Map0 409, lot 71, 34 Isaac Perking Road, were granted a 25% easement on their barn.
d.      Fred and Catherine King, Map 409, lot 71, 34 Isaac Perkins Road, were granted a 30% easement on their shed.
May 12, 2004
Page .2.

9.      Chief Field requested the Selectmen authorize the hiring of a part-time officer. There has traditionally been a part-time officer, but presently there is no one in the position.  The department has the equipment for the officer, so there will only be the expense of a uniform for the new office.  The department already has hours budgeted for a part-time office, who will be an on-call officer for coverage of special events or to cover vacations, etc.  The Selectmen approved the request contingent on the expense being limited to the monies already contained in the existing police department budget.
10.     Maggie West appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the Beach and Life Guard situation.  There have been some ongoing problems with the Beach and the Life Guards, the biggest problem being the absence of an adult with responsibility for oversight of the operation.  Several options were discussed, among them limiting the number of staffed beach hours, limiting the number of days the beach is open, or not having a staffed (guarded) beach program.  No final decisions were made - the Selectmen will continue to discuss the alternaties.
11.     Several Town Web site pages were reviewed and okay’d for forwarding on to Virtual Town Hall.
12.     The meeting adjourned at 10:50am.

Respectfully submitted

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Draft:  May 17, 2004
Approved: May 19, 2004

Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
May 12, 2004
Public Hearing Minutes

Selectmen Attending:  Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, Judy Brotman
Staff:  Carole Bont, Dina Cutting
Public:  Steve Edson Geiger, GaryThrasher, Earl Strout, Tony Ryan, Carola Lea, Chris Schonenberger, Claudia Kern

1.      The Public Hearing was opened at 9:02A.M.

2.      Judy Brotman moved to authorize the Selectmen to expend for the purposes donated, the funds in the Gifts and Donation Fund, for the new highway energy enhancements, roof upgrade and general expenses.

3.      Pete Bleyler seconded the motion.

4.      The public joined in the discussion concerning this item.  To date, donations for an upgraded roof total $5,512. Donations for energy enhancements total  $32,310.

5.      There being no other discussion, the selectmen voted unanimously in support of the motion.

6.      The Public Hearing was closed at 9:10A.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman