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Selectboard Minutes 2004/05/04
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 5 May 2004

Selectmen Attending: dick Jones, Pete Bleyler
Public Attending: Fred King, Sallie Ramsden
Staff Attending: Carole Bont, Elise Garrity

The minutes of 28 April were approved as submitted.

The Board appointed Vicki May to the Conservation Commission with term ending in 2005.

The Board disestablished the Trout Pond Management Committee on the recommendation of the Conservation Committee.

The Board noted and concurred with the Conservation Commission's regulations for persons or groups camping at the Lyme Town Forest.

The Board agreed not to grant any extensions of filing Timber Tax forms beyond the April 15 deadline that was previously extended to May 15.

The Board approved the yield tax warrant for David Roby, may 410 lot 40, in the amount of $1,042,98.

The Board approved the requests for use of the Common for parking during a wedding for Melanie Robie on May 8; and for a Lyme Town Band concert on August 10 for Earl Strout.

The Board recessed at 8:57 in order to hold a Public Hearing in connection with applications received for "discretionary preservation easements for preserving historic agricultural structures."

The Board reconvened at 10:25 AM.

The Board approved and signed a letter for a bond application with the New Hampshire Municipal Bond Bank.

The meeting adjourned at 10:26 A.M.

        Pete Bleyler

Final: 12MAY04