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Selectboard Minutes 2004/03/03
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 3 March 2004

The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:18 AM. Dick Jones, Allan Newton, Pete Bleyler, and Dina Cutting (Bookkeeper/secretary) attended the entire meeting.

The minutes of 25 February were approved as submitted.

The Board discussed the report of the Air Quality Assessment at the Police & Fire Department, conducted by Smith & Wessel Associates, Inc. and the action plan submitted by Fire Chief Michael Hinsley.   The Board directed the Fire Chief to complete the action list and to have the roof replaced by June 30, 2004.  If this deadline cannot be met, the Board directed the Police and Fire Chiefs to meet with the Board to discuss.

The Board agreed to present a floor amendment at Town Meeting, to adjust the allocation of capital reserve funds to the various accounts, but not to adjust the total amount.  The purpose is to provide sufficient funds in the Vehicle Capital Reserve fund for an upcoming purchase.

The Board agreed to favor an oil-fired boiler over the LP boiler, for the proposed Town Highway facility, at an additional cost of $2,730, because of the anticipated lower operating costs.

The Board discussed and made the State's required changes to the submitted MS-7 form.

The Board approved a parking permit for Crossroads School for their graduation ceremony on June 16.

The Board denied a request for tax abatement by the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45 A.M.

        Pete Bleyler