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Selectboard Minutes 2004/02/25
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 25 February 2004
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:05 AM. Dick Jones, Allan Newton and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Luc Beaubien (Finovwen Inc.), Vickie Davis (Planning and Zoning Administrator), Pauline Field (Police Chief), Dina Cutting (Bookkeeper/secretary), and Patty Jenks (Town Clerk) attended parts of the meeting.
2.      The minutes of 18 February 2004 were approved as corrected to insert “2002” before “property tax” in paragraph 5(c), and the minutes of the 18 January 2004 non-public session were approved as corrected to insert the legal reference to RSA91A3:II(a) after session in paragraph 1.
3.      Luc Beaubien and Vickie came in to discuss his company’s project to install an antenna system to provide broad-band wireless internet service in Lyme.  The antenna would be 8 feet high and 1 inch in diameter and not require a tower.  He had not located a site yet, but was looking at Acorn Hill as a possibility.  The Board discussed the various issues that might be involved in gaining Town approval and referred him to the Telecommunications Ordinance and Site Plan Review Regulations.  He agreed to work with Vickie on obtaining any needed permits.
4.      Dick moved and Allan seconded a motion to go into non-public session to review her annual performance appraisal and negotiate her annual employment contract with Pauline under the authority of RSA91A3:II(a).  The motion carried unanimously by roll-call vote and the Board went into non-public session at 9:45.  The Board returned to public session at 10:40 having completed her performance review and approving her employment contract.
5.      The following administrative items were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      The Board concurred in the Road Agent’s recommendation to post seasonal weight limits on Town roads effective 27 February.
b.      Patty came in to discuss the appointment of non-US citizens to Town boards and/or committees.  As a result of information she had received from the State, non-US citizens cannot be so appointed, and all appointees must be on the voter check list.  Therefore the Board voted to appoint Simon Carr as an “advisor” to the Transfer Station Study Committee and advised Vickie to inform the Planning Board that he could not serve as an alternate on the Planning Board.
c.      Dina came in to discuss how to handle Carole’s upcoming sick leave/short term disability.  It was agreed that Carole would use her sick leave, but not have to use personal and/or vacation time during her absence.
6.      Vickie came in to discuss the two house trailer issues from last week.
a.      Dick moved and Allan seconded a motion to reconsider his motion concerning Peter Tausanovich’s request to have a trailer on his property.  The motion to reconsider passed unanimously.  After a brief discussion and review of the legal advice received from the Town’s attorney, Dick moved and Allan seconded a motion to deny Peter Tausanovich’s request to place a trailer on his property to serve as a residence while a permanent home is built.  .  The motion passed unanimously.  Vickie will advise him that he must apply for any required permits under the Zoning Ordinance.
b.      Dick then moved to reconsider last week’s decision to grant Wayne Tullar permission to store a trailer on his farm.  Allan seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.  After a brief discussion, it was then agreed that he must apply for and receive any permits required by the Zoning Ordinance.
7.      The meeting adjourned at 11:20 AM.
R. G. Jones
Recorder pro tem