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Selectboard Minutes 2004/01/14
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 14 January 2004

The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM. Allan Newton, Dick Jones, and Pete Bleyler attended the entire meeting. Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant), Carola Lea, Mike Smith, Judy Brotman, Allison Rogers (reporter from Connecticut Valley Spectator), Lee Larson, Dina Cutting, Bryant Lehr (Conneston Construction, Inc.) and Ross Currier (also from CCI) attended parts of the meeting.

The minutes of 5 January 2004 were approved as submitted.

The Board reviewed and discussed the status of the proposed Town Garage, its costs, and related bond issues.

Lee Larson (Chair, Conservation Commission) came in to discuss a proposal to protect a 2-1/2 acre Town parcel on Trout Pond through a conservation easement with the Upper Valley Land Trust. The Board agreed to authorize a warrant article for Town Meeting to allow the Select Board to negotiate a conservation easement with the UVLT for this 2-1/2 acre lot on Trout Pond.

Mike Hinsley's came in to discuss his property tax bill.  After discussion, the Board agreed to a waiver of penalties, interest, and fees on his property tax bill of approximately $8,100 until April 15, 2004.

The Board agreed to have employees reimbursed for mileage on their personal automobiles at the current IRS rate, currently 37.5 cents per mile.

The Board agreed to authorize the following warrant articles at Town Meeting: monies to be placed into -- and out of -- capital reserve accounts, Trout Pond conservation easement, Town Garage bond, election of Town officers, and a series of zoning amendments.

The Board agreed to recommend to the Budget Committee that a capital reserve fund for Welfare not be established.

Dick reported that the all Town photos are now located in the Academy Building, under the protection of the History Committee.

The Board approved Intent to Cut applications by Mark Bolivia and Ursula Slate at Map 404, lot 7, and by Mathew and Kate Robinson at Map 416, lot 24.

The Board signed a contract for auditing services by Vachon, Clukay, and Co., in an amount not to exceed $6,100.

The Public Hearing on a barn preservation application was canceled at the request of the applicant, Judy Barker.

The Library Trustees indicated to the Board that it has no objections to the Board putting 6 new parking spaces on land behind the library.

The Board voted to recess the meeting until 7:30 AM on Friday, 16 January.

The meeting resumed at 7:30 AM on Friday, 16 January.

The Board agreed to hold a public hearing at 7:00 PM on 28 January 2004, at the Town Offices, to present and receive public input about a proposed bond issue of $530,000 in connection with the building of a new Town Garage.

The meeting adjourned at 7:36 A.M.

        Pete Bleyler