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Selectboard Minutes 2003/12/17
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 17 December 2003

The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM. Allan Newton, Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Wally Ragan, Nancy Itkins, Carola Lea, Garry Thrasher, Earl Strout, Steve Giger, Dina Cutting, and Patty Jenks attended parts of the meeting.

The minutes of 15 December 2003 were approved as submitted.

The public hearing regarding the acceptance of Grants was opened at 9:05 AM.  The regular meeting was resumed at 9:15 AM.

The following issues were discussed and/or action taken:
Wally Ragan came in to discuss the Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Board voted to adopt the existing logo which is displayed on Town trucks and on Police uniforms, as the official Town logo.
Tabled a decision on a proposed Grant Policy to the January 5 meeting.
Carola Lea came in for further discussion on the Energy Committee
Appointed seven individuals to the Energy Committee for three-year terms ending January 1, 2007: Claudia Kerns, Carola Lea, Barney Brannen, Laura Brannen, Tom Hughes, Matt Brown, and Dennis Keleman.
Discussed and agreed to purchase new Fire Truck from Engine One.
Approved Elise Garrity for regular Veteran’s tax credit.

Nancy Itkins came in to request a tax abatement on her property at 95 Whipple Hill Road, Map 407, Lot 73.  After reviewing her situation and discussion, the Board unanimously approved a tax abatement of $10,000.

The Parking Study Committee, including Chair Garry Thrasher, Earl Strout, Steve Giger, and Dina Cutting, came in to discuss the Committee's recommendations with the Board.  The Board is awaiting a response from the Library Trustees before taking further action on the recommendation to create six additional parking spaces behind the Library.  The Board will discuss liability and insurance issues with the Town's insurer, regarding the recommendation that Commercial users of the Common be required to show proof of insurance.  The Board intends to take action on the various recommendations regarding notifying citizens and businesses on the zoning ordinances pertaining to parking and providing off-street parking for a business' customers and employees.  The Board will also discuss snow removal issues at the Lyme School with Gerry Clancy.

The Board had further discussions on the wage recommendations for Highway Dept. employees.  Patty Jenks came in to participate in the discussion.

The Board approved an Intent to Cut application by David M. Roby on property shown on Map 410, Lot 40.

The Board assessed a land use change tax in the amount of $800 from Peter and Susan Williamson, map 408 lot 29.

The Board assessed a timber yield tax of $322.83 on Daniel (“Tom”) and Kathy Green's property at map 406 lot 15.

The meeting adjourned at 12:15 PM.


        Pete Bleyler