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Selectboard Minutes 2003/12/10
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 10 December 2003

The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM. Allan Newton, Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Nicola Newton, Mike Hinsley, Fred Stearns, Carola Lea, and Claudia Kern attended parts of the meeting.

1.      Nicola Newton came in to request an abatement from her tax bill on her property at Map 201 Lot 23.  After discussion, the Board approved an abatement of $3,500.

2.      The minutes of 3 December 2003 were approved.

3.      Carola Lea and Claudia Kern came in to have further discussions on the formation of a Town Energy Committee, and the Charge to that Committee.  It's expected that the Board will vote on appointing the Committee at its 17 December meeting.

4.      Allan Newton discussed his research and discussions regarding the protection of photographs, in connection with the picture file request from the History Committee.

5.      The Board discussed the Parking Study Committee's report and will invite Garry Thrasher and other members of the committee to attend the 17 December meeting.

6.      Fred Stearns came in to discuss the Selectmen's proposed wage adjustments and overtime hours for members of the Highway Department.  He was joined by Michael Hinsley in discussing the plowing of snow at the Fire Department and where the police cruisers are parked during snow storms.

7.      Dick Jones reported on HB 806 and SB 45, which allow municipalities to increase the exemptions for veterans, persons with disabilities, and deaf/hearing impaired individuals.  Action will be taken so that any proposed changes can be warranted at the Town Meeting.

8.      The Board approved changes to the Transfer Committee, extending its termination date until a new transfer facility has been completed, to increase the number of members to nine, and to provide financial/monetary provisions similar to those contained in the Charge to the Public Works Facility committee.

9.      The Board approved a land use tax for Meg and Steven Maker, in the amount of $754 for property at Map 401, Lot 1.

10.     The Board approved an abatement of a land use tax of $1,000 for property owned by Francis and Margaret Bowls at Map 408, Lot 43.  This abatement was to reverse a portion of a land use tax after the property owners changed their decision on acreage to be taken out of current use.

11.     The Board decided to cancel its regularly scheduled meetings for December 24 and December 31.
12.     The meeting adjourned at 11:55 AM.

        Pete Bleyler